Author: Bryn Davies

Readers Exposed: Paul Hodges

Paul Hodges

Name: Paul Hodges | Age: 30 | Occupation: Telecoms Engineer

First bike?
Tomos and then a Honda NSR 125

Current bike?
Honda XRV 750 Africa Twin – bought it in Germany and rode it to the Sahara Desert at the end of last year.

Dream bike?
It was the Kawasaki ZX10R, I sold it as I was leaving London to travel the world for a year. Now, for me its less about the dream bike, but more about where a bike can take you.

Most expensive motorcycle accessory ever bought?
Arlen Ness full leathers – £600

Ferry or tunnel?
Ferry. Riding on and strapping up the bike is all part of the anticipation of a new horizon.

Ideal travel partner?
Any free spirit bringing a happy vibe and resilience to endure tough times.

Lifelong Ambition?
To keep on seeking adventures. ‘Men do not quit playing because they grow old; they grow old because they quit playing’  – Oliver Wendell Holmes.

Most dangerous moment?
One of them: Riding the length of Vietnam from Ho Chi Min City to Hanoi, turned a corner on a mountain pass to come up against a landslide blocking the entire road. Unfortunately having been riding side-saddle (sore bum) meant I had to rely on the front brake only, skidding and stopping within an inch of the landslide and avoiding the sheer drop to the left.

Vietnam by motorbike

Most memorable moment?
With our bones rattling and heavy eyelids, my friend and I rode for 23 hours solid from Spain to London so as not to miss our ferry home. My friend veering off uncomfortably close to the edge of the road jolted us both to alertness. After that challenge, in Dover we were greeted by thick freezing fog; we could not see beyond a metre in front which put our slow speed control skills to a serious test.

Also, coming off my dirt bike on a enduro event and it landing up a tree.

What do you miss most when travelling?
On a long trip; occasionally my home comforts. On a short trip; miss not having a long trip.

Person you would most like to meet and the question you would most like to ask them?
Anthony Keidis; what do your lyrics mean?

Favourite crap joke?
Family Guy ‘Spelling Bee’ episode where Meg says to Peter ‘Dad, you’re a smart speller’ and Peter responds ‘you’re a fart smeller’, letting one rip on her head.

Write a 50-word personal ad for you and your bike:
Age doesn’t matter. Rugged Africa Twin seeks adventurer to go off the beaten track. Must be prepared to travel ‘old school’; one rucksack, bungee ropes and plastic bag for waterproofing. Fun-lovers welcome. The ‘highly strung’ need not apply. Keep up with me, life’s a daring adventure or nothing at all.

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