Adventure Bike Rider Festival 2022

Come and join us

If you could create your dream adventure motorcycling event, isn’t this the kind of festival you’d build?

Imagine that you’re given free rein to create a motorcycling event exactly as you wanted it. What would it look like? First of all, you’d probably want to host it in an incredible location. One that’s surrounded by great roads, sights and attractions, and one where the venue is as much of an experience as the event itself. Somewhere impressive that wows you and forms the perfect backdrop for a weekend of motorcycling.

A warm welcome awaits you Hear tales from beside the campfire Meet adventure biking legends
A warm welcome awaits you Hear tales from beside the campfire Meet adventure biking legends

Then, of course, you’d want space to ride your bike. A playground where you can be let loose to ride all day with your mates. Wouldn’t it also be good if there were instructors on hand to help you take your prowess in the saddle to the next level.

It’d also be wonderful to bring in all of the motorcycle manufacturers with their test fleets lined up for you to ride. Throw in the biggest and best brands in the world of gear and tour operators so that you could shop around for the right kit and finally get yourself booked onto your dream trip.

For the times when you’re wanting to chill out? There’d have to be live music all day and night, guest speakers to inspire you, masterclass sessions to teach you everything there is to know about adventuring on two wheels, and why not have an area showing the best adventure biking films?

Relax in a stunning location New bike test rides Learn new skills
Relax in a stunning location New bike test rides Learn new skills

A good event demands the best to keep you happily fed and watered. Would you book in a line-up of over 50 caterers satisfying just about every taste that could take your fancy over the weekend and fully stocked bars with cheap pints? I know I would!

You could probably sum it up as a weekend of adventure motorcycling in a grade-A venue where you ride as much as you want, learn new skills to help you become a better rider and more knowledgeable traveller, and relax or party with great music, new friends, and good beer. When you lay it all out, you’ve got one heck of a weekend. Luckily, that kind of event exists, and it’s called the Adventure Bike Rider Festival. When we sat down to plan out the ABR Festival, we decided that we would only ever host an event that we ourselves would want to go to.

That’s why, on the weekend of 24-26 June 2022, we’re taking over the magnificent Ragley Hall estate and turning it into the dream adventure motorcycling festival.

Road ride outs ABR_Fest_21_Off_Road_87 Ride the 20km long Adventure Trail
Road ride outs Off-road trails Ride the 20km long Adventure Trail

Everything you’ve just read here will feature, as well as plenty more. So come and join us! Get your tickets today at At the time of writing this, we still had some Early Bird tickets left, which will save you £30, but I can’t guarantee they’ll be available for long.

So, I hope you’ll join myself and the rest of the ABR team at Ragley Hall in June 2022 for what promises to be an incredible long weekend of adventure motorcycling.

See you there.

Bryn Davies, ABR Managing Editor