Name: Paul Crossan and Motorbike Milly | Age: 40 and 3 and a half | Location: Glasgow

First bike? 

I used to run around on wee scooters until I got a brand-new Yamaha YBR 125. 

Current bike? 

I currently ride a BMW R1200RT. 

When did you meet Milly? 

February 2016, she was at a rescue centre after being removed from the family who neglected her. 

How did riding with Milly come about? 

She came with separation anxiety and couldn’t be left alone. She wouldn’t let me out of her sight from day one, so shortly after I adopted her, I fitted my bike with a puppy carrier to see if she’d take to it. She loved it and has done it almost every day since.  

How does Milly ride on the bike? 

We use a pet on wheels carrier, it can be mounted front or rear-facing. I prefer to have it rear-facing, so Milly has more protection from the wind and has a better view as we ride (better than staring at my back!). 

What Recent competition did Milly win? 

‘Keep Britain Biking’. It was run by Devitt Insurance to find ‘Britain’s best biking buddy’. All the entries were awesome and with over 6,000 votes between them all, Milly took first place with over 2,200 votes and is now Britain’s best biking buddy! 

Favourite place to ride? 

Anywhere that stays dry and involves a coffee and a chippy! I enjoy riding all around Scotland but mostly the west. 

Tent or hotel? 

There’s enjoyment in both. I love being able to pitch my tent in peaceful isolated locations, sitting by an open fire without a care in the world, but when the weather’s not looking too good, who doesn’t like the comfort of a warm room, shower and a bar? Not to mention a full Scottish breakfast the next morning. 

Most memorable moment? 

Getting my son his CBT and first scooter at 16. Riding behind him wondering where the years have gone and watching him enjoying his newfound freedom. One very proud moment. 

Most dangerous moment? 

Definitely when a 4×4 looked directly at me and then still pulled out. It was while I was flying through the air over said 4×4 that I thought ‘oh sh*t, this is going to hurt!’ 

Favourite crap joke? 

An egg and a sausage frying in a pan. The egg says, “It’s hot in here”. To which the sausage exclaims, “oh my God! A talking egg!” 

How can we follow your’s and Milly’s journeys? 

You can follow Milly on Facebook at /motorbikemilly and also on Instagram @motorbikemilly. 

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