
Name: Gary cox | Age: 59 | Occupation: London taxi driver

First bike?
Yamaha FS1E. What else?

Current bike?
I currently have two, to my wife’s disgust! A Triumph 800XRT and a Triumph 1050.

Dream Bike?
Anything l could get my lovely wife Alison on.

Ferry or Tunnel?
Ferry to Spain, tunnel to France.

Most expensive accessory?
My Daytona boots. They’re the only boots l have never had to wear to work to break in..

Life long ambition?
To take more notice of my mates Mike G, and be able to forgive El Tel for convincing me to buy the 10-tonne Yamaha FJR 1300 in la la gold!

Ideal travel partner?
It would have to be her indoors. Because she knows her Kung Fu tongue and fist.

Most dangerous moment?
Doing a figure of eight on my FJR 1300 after being shown by Paul Williamson on his Kawasaki ZX-14 in the rain how to do it. All the time l was doing it l kept thinking if he had dropped that we were never going to be able to pick it up, nor this one!

Most memorable moment?
Being in Ireland with my IAM instructor, Derek A, after l passed my test, and him trying to pay the road toll on the phone for two days before an operator said, “if you bought a bike you would not have this trouble because they don’t pay.” All four of us laughed all the way home.

What do you miss most when travelling?
Her indoors more than anything. l know she will read this, so any chance of a BMW GS, love?

The person you would most like to meet and what question would you ask them?
Simple, the Mayor of London. I’d ask him: Cycling lanes, who planned them, son?

Favourite crap joke?
Why did the lifeguard kick the elephants out of the swimming pool? Because they kept dropping their trunks!

Write a personal dating ad for you and your bike:
Good looking, looks fantastic during a shower and wonderful after, all the bits look a treat just like new, oh and my old mate in the leathers makes me look great. You’re OK with him ‘cos he’s married and old, not like this Tiger.

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You can’t say fairer than that, eh?