ABR readers get in touch to tell us all about their two-wheeled adventures…

Start them young

I was first lifted onto a motorbike by my dad at the age of seven. With a
death grip on the bars and my skinny little legs wafting in the breeze, I was pushed down a local green lane to be caught at the other end by our local police sergeant.

My family were riders and my Grandad’s daily run-around was a Brough Superior. Collectively they took a hand in teaching and encouraging me to ride. The love for bikes has never left me, I’m now 71 years old and it’s safe to say I’m as much of a bike addict now as I was then.

Early in 2019, I travelled to New Zealand to surprise my sister, who I hadn’t seen for over 40 years, on her 80th birthday. After a year of planning the surprise with her family, I arrived in New Zealand with an additional five months set aside to ride around on a V-Strom 1000. To say that I was welcomed and treated like visiting royalty by everyone I met is a massive
understatement. The experiences I had were unforgettable.

As for the roads, well they must have been built by a crew of bikers. There’s barely a straight or flat one to be found as they wriggle between snow-capped mountains, deep valleys, and vast gorges. I was in heaven.

On my eventual return, I was hooked on adventure biking, having previously spent many years riding my 2000 plate Yamaha R1, and felt the hunger for more. I’d heard about the ABR Festival and booked two tickets, one each for myself and my friend Martin, who already has the adventure biking bug.

Wow! What an outstanding event, and probably one of the best of its kind that I’ve attended. If something like that doesn’t stir your soul, nothing will. I test rode a number of bikes while there and came away determined to buy myself a second bike, finally deciding on a Benelli TRK 502, which joined my garage as my first adventure bike.

We haven’t stopped talking about it and re-booked as soon as we got home. To say we were gutted at the cancellation this year is an understatement, although of course it was the right decision. We can’t wait for 2021. We’ll be the ones sleeping in the ditch across from the entrance gates as you open. I just wanted to welcome you and all your staff back and to wish you all many happy and enjoyable biking days in the future. I think you all do a great job. I just wish the magazine came out monthly!

On a final personal note congratulations on the birth of your first child (ED – ABR Editor Bryn recently became a dad for the first time). I’m the proud dad of two wonderful adults and grandad to two beautiful granddaughters. My advice is to get your children into bikes as soon as possible. My daughter has recently become the proud owner of her first bike, while my son-in-law rides a Harley (we forgive him for that and try not to mention it too often).
Good luck and ride safe,


Amazing Scotland

Great work on the latest issue. It inspired me to ride my new GS in Scotland after all of this Covid business, which sorted my head out after months of lockdown. The Quiraing was awesome, I’d never heard of it until reading your piece (Amazing Britain: Scotland, Issue 58). I also got to ride the Pass of the Cattle for the second time, and this time is was dry. Bonus!
Thanks, ABR, and keep up the good work.


Win a subscription to ABR

Want to see your name in the magazine and win a year’s subscription? At Adventure Bike Rider we love to hear from our readers, so if you’re planning an adventure, want to tell us about a previous one, or just want to share your thoughts on anything bike related, get in touch!

Send your letters to:

james@adventurebikerider.com and if yours is chosen as ‘star letter’ you’ll win a year’s subscription to Adventure Bike Rider magazine.