Author: Alun Davies

Video of the week – Erg Chebbi in Morocco

erg chebbi morocco

A few weeks back I spent 7 days bashing through the mountains and deserts of Morocco on a 1500kms off road tour with the motorcycle adventure company Motoaventure. One of the highlights of the trip was riding to the top of the highest dune in the Erg Chebbi – Erg Chebbi is what most people think of when they visualise the Sahara; mile after mile of huge sand dunes.

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It would be fair to say that when you’re sitting on your bike looking up at this huge pile of sand it’s hard to think anything other than ‘no way will a motorcycle make it up there’. Amazingly, it’s a lot easier to ride to the top than you’d think. Power on, and on, and on and don’t let those revs drop until you’re safely on the top ridge.

The quality of the video is not great but check out the carnage on the way up and make sure you keep watching right to the end where you get to see how precise that stop on the ridge of the dune has to be.