Author: Rob Slade

Video of the week: Sydney to London on a 105cc postie bike

In 2009 Nathan Millward set off on a journey of epic proportions taking him from Sydney all the way back to London. And what was his mode of transport for this 23,000-mile ride? A Honda CT110 ‘postie bike’ of course!

With little more than 105cc and a top speed of around 45mph, this little steed carried its owner and all his belongings through crowded cities, along treacherous mountain passes and across wild, open expanses, all of which has been documented brilliantly in this 14-minute film.

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As the video’s description suggests, this was not only a journey of epic proportions, “but one that would take him right to the extremities of personal discovery and ultimately, would take him in search of the end of the road”.

Check it out below and then let us know what you think on Facebook, Twitter or in the comments below.