Author: Rob Slade

Video of the week: Alaska to Argentina in 500 days

The latest installment of the video of the week is an epic one at that. Alex Chacón is a University of Texas graduate and medical student who sold everything he had to travel around the world on his motorbike.

In this particular video, Alex travels for 500 days from Alaska to Argentina taking in some of the most amazing scenery the world has to offer. He has to deal with everything Mother Nature has to throw at him, crossing swollen rivers, flooded streets, riding in worryingly low visability and taking on some of the most vertigo inducing mountain passes.

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Be aware, after watching this video you are probably going to be contemplating selling everything you own and heading off around the world yourself. At least, that’s how it has made us feel!


If you missed last weeks installment you really need to check it out. Without giving too much away it involves two brothers, a motorcycle and a stunt plane!