Author: Naomi Dunbar

Competition – send us your best adventure motorcycling photos

Motorcycle Jeans

Personally, one of my favourite things about working in the ABR office is seeing hundreds of your wonderful adventure motorcycling photos flood into our inbox every week. I love scrolling through to see big smiles, staggering scenery, weird and wonderful sights, and sexy looking adventure machines. You guys are always up for a quick natter about your adventures too, which are always inspiring and fascinating to hear about.

So, this brings me nicely on to the ABR 2018 calendar. Every year, we pick our 12 favourite adventure motorcycling images that we’ve seen throughout the year. We bundle them up and send them to our design wizard Anthony, who then (by the powers of some sort of design dark art) turns them into a beautiful shiny ABR calendar which is worthy of being placed on walls across the land.

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Your Free Guide to Motorcycling in the UK
Enter your email address below to sign up to the ABR newsletter and receive the 96-page Guide to Motorcycling in Britain absolutely free.

Now, this is where you guys come in. This year, we want to feature incredible images taken by our very own ABR readers. The photos we get sent in are beautiful, so we have no doubt that you’ll conjure up something special which represents adventure motorcycling at its very best. The men and women who sends us the best photos will be featured in our 2018 calendar and will claim instant fame (okay, maybe not A-lister fame but enough to get you on I’m a Celebrity). The winners will also receive a free copy of the calendar and a free ABR digital membership (worth £20), which will give them online access to every single back issue of ABR magazine ever made (that’s 43 issues and counting!). So, what are you waiting for? Get sending your photos to us!

How to enter:
Send us your entry photo via Facebook messenger titled ‘entry for 2018 calendar’. The closing date for this competition is 31 October 2017 at 11:59pm.

Terms and conditions:
In entering your photo to our 2018 calendar competition, you are agreeing for your photo to be used (should it be chosen) to be printed in the 2018 ABR calendar. We will contact the winners directly after the closing date of the competition to gain further written permission for the use of their images. All winners will be sent a free copy of the calendar, free ABR stickers and a free digital membership will be set up in their name. Prizes cannot be exchanged for money. Photos entered into the competition will also be shared to our social media forums with a credit to the owner.