Author: Ollie Rooke

The motorcycle tracker that doesn’t need to be professionally installed

Having your pride and joy stolen is every biker’s worst nightmare and, while we can use locks and chains to try and stop a motorcycle from being pinched, the reality is that a determined thief will find a way through even the most stringent physical security measures.

So, what’s the solution if the worst does happen? Many bikers invest in motorcycle trackers, in the hope that, should their bike go missing, they can track it down and recover it before it’s shipped overseas or broken down for parts.

But tracking technology can be a significant expense, with some systems requiring professional installation and high running costs. That’s where the Monimoto 7 comes in, a motorcycle tracker that can be installed at home.

How does the Monimoto motorcycle tracker work?

Monimoto motorcycle tracker

The Monimoto 7 is a small battery-powered tracking device that’s able to sit in the palm of your hand. It can be installed anywhere on your bike.

The device works in tandem with a key fob which activates as soon as you walk away from your bike. It’s uses a combination of tracking technologies, including GPS, to ensures that a strong signal is transmitted, even if the bike is taken inside by thieves (where GPS-only units can struggle).

If your bike is moved when you’re not close by, the Monimoto will notify you that it is being tampered with by calling you. If you’re not able to get to it in time, the device will also track your motorcycle’s location, greatly enhancing your chances of getting it back.

The Monimoto doesn’t need to be professionally installed, so you’ll be able to fit it at home in just a few minutes by getting a bit creative with the small unit and the included cable ties.

And, because Monimoto is battery powered, you don’t need to worry about drawing charge from your motorcycle. The app will also give you plenty of notice when it’s time to replace the long-lasting AA batteries.

It’s also waterproof and works throughout Europe, the USA, and Asia, making it the perfect partner for your tours. Just sling it in your panniers and sleep soundly at night when you head to the Alps with your mates.

Monimoto 7

Offering an affordable, easy-to-use solution to motorcycle tracking, we think the Monimoto is a pretty impressive bit of kit.

To find out more about the Monimoto 7, head over to the Monimoto website.