Author: Naomi Dunbar

ABR weekend weather forecast 30 Sep – 01 Oct

St Michael Mount

Where on earth has the week gone!? I’m sat here staring out of the ABR office window (sipping out of my novelty Lionel Richie mug) looking at the rain and gloom, thinking it feels about five minutes since I was sat here last Friday about to write about the weekend weather forecast.

Well, I hope you’ve had a good’un and have managed to slip in a few rides here and there in the small windows of sun that we have had. So, what’s the hecking weather up to this weekend then? Let’s have a look….

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Novelty Lionel Richie mug

Friday evening

If you’re anything like us in Stratford-upon-Avon, then you’re most probably currently looking at rain, rain and oh yes, more rain. However, there is some good news. It looks like it’s going to start to dry up a bit as we move through the course of the day for most of the UK. In fact, some parts of the Midlands, the north of England and southern Scotland may see some sun poking out of the clouds later on this afternoon.


Weather map
Around 1pm Saturday

Saturday morning is looking like it’s going to be a dry start for most of the UK, but with some light showers possible around Pembroke, Cardiff and Southampton areas, and also Fort William. As we approach lunchtime, northern Ireland, northern Scotland and northern England may see some sunny spells. Whereas north Wales and the Southampton area may see some heavy rain.

As we approach Saturday afternoon (as we can see by my emoji map), the south west is not looking good as heavy rain is likely for most of the evening. However, the east of England is looking mainly dry. If you’re up in the north of Scotland, you should see some sunny intervals with some cloud creeping in later on.


Weather map
AM Sunday

NOPE, nope, nope. Sunday is cancelled. I’d advise a duvet day because it’s going to absolutely arse it down everywhere. Okay, I am being slightly dramatic. The morning is a write off, however, it looks like it could brighten up a bit later in the afternoon across the UK, with it being mostly dry in the evening. Although, this is not the case for the south east and the north of Scotland as there will be rain, sorry guys.

Well, there we have it. I’m sorry it’s not better news but hey, I don’t make the weather, I only write about it. If you’d like a second opinion, here’s what the professionals have to say