Author: Bryn Davies

The 2021 Adventure Bike Rider Calendar is here!

The 2021 Adventure Bike Rider Calendar is out now and available to pre-order from the ABR website!

Our inboxes have been overflowing with people asking when we are going to release it, well now the secret’s out. This limited print run calendar will sell out in no time (all previous years did). Get yours today and avoid missing out.

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Your Free Guide to Motorcycling in the UK
Enter your email address below to sign up to the ABR newsletter and receive the 96-page Guide to Motorcycling in Britain absolutely free.

Click here to buy the 2021 ABR Calendar today

With your 2021 Adventure Bike Rider Calendar, you can get a head start on planning your rides for next year. Sponsored by Bridgestone, its a 12-month showcase of the best and most inspiring submissions to the prestigious Adventure Bike Rider Photo of the Year competition.

This year has been a bit of a write off for big bike tours, but it’s time to start looking forward and planning your adventures for 2021.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve already been pouring over Google maps and scouting out the roads I want to ride. Actually riding them will be bliss, but the excitement of crossing off the days on my calendar will be almost as exciting…

Click here to buy the 2021 ABR Calendar today