Author: Naomi Dunbar

10 of the most adventure inspiring images you’ll see this week

Motorcycle Bolivia Salt Flats

Are you still feeling a little fragile from the New Year celebrations (‘I’m getting far too old for all this malarkey’ springs to mind), a tad emotional that you’re back at work, and feeling a shed load heavier than when you left for the Christmas break? Yep, me too. As I sat down at my desk this morning, I was in desperate need of a good brew and some adventure motorcycling goodness to set me up for the day. So, I ran into the warm loving arms of Instagram for some much needed help in the form of stunning motorcycle travel photography.

What better way to perk yourself up and add a little bit of excitement than with some incredible images to get you feeling all inspired for motorcycle trips and adventures in 2018? Without further ado…

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1. Admire the Milky Way on the Gulf of California

A post shared by Tim Burke (@timburkephoto) on

2. Discover the beauty of Lake Balkhash when frozen

3. Push the limits on challenging forest trails

A post shared by Jesse (@onelostmoto) on

4. Explore the impressive roads of the Vercors mountains

A post shared by Motoglobe ( on

5. Lose yourself in the beauty of the Karakoram Highway

6. Reach new heights in the Swiss mountains

A post shared by Till Bär (@nachtluchs) on

7. Fall in love with the thrill of off-roading in Oman

8. Tear up some serious dirt

9. Discover the magic of the beaches in Oregon

A post shared by Under Open Air (@underopenair) on

10. Ride the sensational mountain passes of Austria

A post shared by Robert (@stone.monkey7) on

I hope you’re feeling as inspired as I am after gawping at all of those spectacular images. Which one is your favourite? Let me know in the comments section below. 

Featured image: Graham Styles