Kinga ‘On Her Bike’: behind the scenes with the adventure biking YouTube star

Kinga On Her Bike

We admit to being pretty darn excited when we sat down for a chat with globe-busting adventure biker and YouTube star Kinga Tanajewska, known online as On Her Bike.

Not only is she one of the most inspirational motorcycle travellers on the planet right now, but we’d also just found out that she’ll be flying to the UK this summer to appear as a guest speaker at the 2024 ABR Festival (28-30 June, Ragley Hall Estate, Warwickshire).

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Now that’s certainly something worth getting excited about.

You can read our full interview with Kinga ‘On Her Bike’ in the Jan/Feb 2024 issue of Adventure Bike Rider magazine, which provides a fascinating insight into her incredible life on the road (you can order your copy of the mag with free UK postage HERE).

On Her Bike

The interview also features a stunning collection of photographs showing life behind the scenes of one of YouTube’s most popular adventure bikers.

Sadly, there were to too many images to squeeze into the mag, so let me present to you a series of Kinga’s photos from life on the road that didn’t quite make it into the pages of the latest issue of ABR, along with a selection of our favourite quotes from the interview.

They’re sensational shots, and give a great insight into the fun this inspirational biker has on her solo travels. We can’t wait to see her at the ABR Festival in June.

Kinga On Her Bike

“My job was very stressful and a few months later my marriage fell apart and I just snapped. I just thought, I’ve got enough money to cover two years so I’m just going to take off and see where I end up. Six years later I’m still on the road.”

Kinga On Her Bike

“If you set of with a good attitude, an open mind, and treat people with kindness, things generally work out. Karma usually comes back to you.”

Kinga On Her Bike

“On the first part of the trip, I was still a little naive. I was carrying too much kit, I kept falling off a lot and getting myself exhausted and making bad decisions.”

Kinga On Her Bike

“I really love remote places. It can be open country or deep forests, I just like to be by myself and totally off grid.”

Kinga On Her Bike

“You experience everything on such a completely different level when you are a solo traveller, and you are more approachable, especially as a woman.”

Kinga On Her Bike

“For me it’s a tent every time as camping helps clear my head. It’s healing for me.”

Kinga On Her Bike

“We all looked up to Long Way Round. Those guys were legends and at the time it inspired so many riders to start travelling.”

Remember, you can read the full fascinating interview with Kinga ‘On Her Bike’ in the Jan/Feb 2024 issue of Adventure Bike Rider magazine.

Get your copy today with free UK postage from HERE.