Author: Ollie Rooke

Your passport to a summer of motorcycling adventure…

Inspiration may seem in short supply at the moment with travel disrupted, quarantines in place, and your local supermarket featuring more face-masks than a masquerade ball, but we’ve got you covered by ensuring the latest issue of ABR magazine is packed cover-to-cover with non-stop adventure biking inspiration.

So, whether you’re looking for a UK summer tour, knowledgable gear reviews, adventure bike tests, or ideas for the motorcycle trip of a lifetime, you’ll find it all in issue 58 of ABR magazine.

Enter your email address below to sign up to the ABR newsletter and receive the 96-page Guide to Motorcycling in Britain absolutely free.
Your Free Guide to Motorcycling in the UK
Enter your email address below to sign up to the ABR newsletter and receive the 96-page Guide to Motorcycling in Britain absolutely free.

With this in mind, here are six features that you’ll want to read in the latest issue of Adventure Bike Rider magazine, available to buy HERE.

Ride a three day tour in the Scottish highlands

Take some of the most breathtaking scenery the UK has to offer, add a few winding mountainous passes and stunning views, before finishing off the ensemble with a dram or two of whisky, and you’ll start to understand why Scotland is so alluring to adventure bikers.

With travel somewhat restricted, Scotland is going to be a popular destination for many British bikers this year. That’s why in this latest issue of ABR, Assistant Editor James has plotted a stunning route through the Scottish Highlands that is guaranteed to take you away from the crowds and onto some unforgettable roads.

The three-day tour covers just over 500 miles of non-stop adventure, and isn’t one to miss. Pick up your copy HERE.

Reviews of the adventure bikes set to hit showrooms soon

We pride ourselves on bringing you the ABR Verdict on the latest and greatest new bikes that are set to hit showroom floors near you, and this issue is no exception as we look at two bike launches that bookended the UK’s lockdown.

Bike Tester Julian reports back from the launch of Yamaha’s latest adventure-sports bike, the Tracer 700 in Tenerife. Meanwhile, James, in slightly different circumstances, sets off on a one man motorcycle launch across Southern England as he puts the KTM 390 Adventure through its paces, asking the question, does size really matter?

Read the full ABR Verdict on both bikes right now, by buying issue 58 of Adventure Bike Rider HERE.

A biker’s pilgrimage to France and Northern Spain

Cutting across the landscape in Northern Spain lies the Camino de Santiago trail. It’s a well-known trek, finishing at the Cathedral in the town of Santiago de Compostela, and those that embark on the epic walk refer to themselves as pilgrims.

Northern Spain isn’t just a popular destination for trekkers though, it has also become the unofficial pilgrimage for those on motorcycle travels. In particular, the siren song of the mountains of the Pico de Europa National Park has been responsible for calling in those on two wheels from far and wide, and our own James fell victim to that lure as he set off on his own pilgrimage with his wife on a two-up adventure last year.

Read all about this trip to that famous motorcycling destination HERE.

Riding jeans put to the test

There are few items in the world of motorcycling clothing that can beat the convenience and simplicity of a good pair of riding jeans. Their mix of casual styling, comfort, and protection is unbeatable when it comes to popping to the shops, commuting to the office in hot weather, or just meeting friends at a restaurant.

That’s why we put 14 different pairs to the test with the aim of you giving you all the information you need to pick up the pair of riding jeans that are just right for you.

Find out which jeans earned that coveted ‘ABR Recommended’ accolade HERE.

Explore the TET in Wales

Covering almost 2,000 miles, the UK’s section of the Trans Euro Trail (TET), a trail ride that circumnavigates the entirety of Europe, is a gift to adventure bikers and trail-riding enthusiasts across our small island.

Over the past few issues of ABR, Bike Tester Julian has been exploring the British sections of the TET and, in issue 58, he looks west as he takes on the Welsh section over the course of four fantastic riding days. Battling gnarly rocky steps, the famous Strata Florida byway, and 500 miles of unforgettable trails, this is one story you don’t want to miss.

Read Julian’s full ride report from Wales HERE.

Riding the USA’s Great Basin

Between Utah’s Wasatch mountains and the Sierra Nevada in California lies an adventure bike rider’s playground. Spanning 200,000 square miles of vast nothingness, the Great Basin is home to less than one person per every 100 square miles.

Luckily for us, it’s criss-crossed by tracks that will make an adventure biker weak at the knees, while the vast landscape is occasionally punctuated by 3,000m peaks, dried out lake beds, volcanic crater, and piping hot springs.

But travelling this magnificent landscape is no walk in the park, as ABR Contributor John Hax discovers as he leaves civilisation behind on an epic journey across this undisturbed land.

Read his story HERE.

Pick up your issue today

With the magazine distribution industry suffering of late, and limited issues already selling out in select newsagents, we’re advising all readers to buy Adventure Bike Rider magazine online to guarantee your copy. Buy yours HERE.