Adventure Bike Rider magazine subscription

£29.99 / year

“The best motorcycle magazine for adventure bike owners. Well worth the subscription for the quality of the editorial and articles. Printed on quality paper, unlike some other bike magazines.”
– Dave Batt, ABR Subscriber

Guarantee your regular dose of adventure biking inspiration by having the latest issue of ABR delivered to your doorstep as soon as it’s released.

Your yearly subscription will start with the next available issue of Adventure Bike Rider, Issue 86, our March/April 2025 edition, and the following five issues will be delivered directly to your home across the year for just £29.99, giving you a massive 30% saving on the cover price.

Want to get more for your money? For just an extra £4.99, you can get an ABR Bundle. With this, you’ll get your annual print subscription plus access to the ABR Digital Library. There, you’ll get instant online access to every issue of ABR magazine ever written for you to read on your phone, computer, or tablet.

Click here to upgrade your experience and get an ABR Bundle.

Please Note: Subscription will start with the next available issue of the magazine (Issue 86, our  March/April edition).

Are you buying this as a gift? If you are purchasing a subscription to ABR magazine as a gift, be sure to tell us. You can do this by filling in the ‘Order Notes’ at the checkout page (on the same page where you enter your address).


If this is the first time you’ve encountered Adventure Bike Rider (ABR) magazine, then…welcome.

ABR has been published since 2009 and is regarded as the most inspirational, respected and popular motorcycle magazine in the UK (and the world) for riders of adventure, trail and touring bikes. Just check out our passionate followers and community on the Adventure Bike Rider Facebook page for confirmation of that.

ABR has always been more than just a one-dimensional magazine aimed at dedicated RTW explorers or riders of certain motorcycles. Indeed, our founding principle and one that we’ve stuck to through the years, is that ‘it doesn’t matter what brand of motorcycle you ride or where you travel’. ‘If you have any aspirations of riding more and discovering new places and having new experiences, then we’re on the same wavelength’.

You’ll find the pages of ABR packed with inspirational motorcycle and travel stories and images from all around the world, and being a UK based publication, we also cover locations closer to home and all across Europe.

The magazine also features extensive, practical and respected gear and motorcycle reviews to enable you to make informed and educated choices when spending your cash. You’ll also find information and confidence building ‘how to’ features covering all aspects of motorcycle travel from riding across deserts to getting the best value when booking hotels in the USA and Europe.

In short, if you ride a motorcycle and have any travel aspiration, near or far, then Adventure Bike Rider magazine is for you.

When you take out a yearly subscription to ABR you pay just £29.99 (including postage for UK subscribers) which means a cost saving of 28% over the cover price plus the magazine is delivered to your door and you’ll never miss an issue, guaranteed.

Click the ‘Sign up Button’ above to start your subscription.

NB. All subscriptions start with the next available issue of Adventure Bike Rider magazine. So, if you sign up now, the first magazine you receive will be Issue 86, our March/April 2025 edition.

Alternatively, you may want to take advantage of our best value deal which combines a subscription to the paper issues of ABR magazine plus membership to our on-line Digital Library which will give you immediate access to all back issues plus current issues as they become available. Details of our subscription and Digital Library Bundle can be found here.

Overseas Readers – Get Instant Access, Huge Cash Savings and Play a Part in Being Kinder to the Environment

Let me start off by offering our overseas readers  of the paper version of ABR an apology.  It will come as no surprise to many but we have now been forced into making a decision to stop offering paper copies of ABR magazine to all countries outside the UK.

Unfortunately, the costs and inefficiencies of posting overseas orders of the printed version of ABR are now untenable. Shipping costs have risen dramatically over the past year and are forecast to keep rising. Plus the inefficiencies in the postal service (we can experience over 20% of international orders returned and/or go missing), coupled with month to year-long delays in delivery (really) mean that we cannot offer a level of service that we can endorse.

But there is good news. You can still get your ABR fix, benefit from a huge cash saving and be kinder to the environment (the days of sending paper around the world are truly coming to an end). If you’re an overseas reader, you can get access to every copy of Adventure Bike Rider we’ve ever published plus all new issues as they become available via our on-line Digital Library. Better still, copies will not go missing in transit and you’ll not have to wait for the postie as access to every issue is immediate on joining – that’s all back issues and new issues as they become available. Details of the Digital Library can be found here.

Many thanks for visiting ABR and safe riding.

Best regards

Alun Davies  (Founder and publisher of Adventure Bike Rider Magazine)

PS: We’re not a faceless company that hides behind technology and we will not make you jump through hoops before speaking to us. If you have any queries, call the ABR office on 00 44 (0)1789 450000 (9am – 5.30pm UK time) to speak to a friendly and helpful member of staff or email [email protected] and I (or one of the staff) will get back to you ASAP.

Postage costs:

UK – Free

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