Author: Matthew Forde

5 Dangerous European Roads With Outstanding Views

We all love a good scare. It’s why so many of us love horror films. And it’s also why many of us enjoying taking on some of the most frightening and down-right dangerous roads imaginable on our motorcycles.

These roads don’t just offer an adrenaline rush though, many of them offer jaw-dropping views that’ll have you torn between riding on or pulling over to snap a photo. Of course, there’s always a risk when you pass the threshold of some tricky passes.

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That’s why we’ve teamed-up with dguard to bring your attention to five of Europe’s most dangerous roads that give you the pleasure of outstanding views. The company’s eCall system could help save your life, if the worst should happen on one of these routes. We’ll discuss this further later, but in the meantime: lights, camera, action!

Road to Fontana Amoroza – Cyprus

Found in the Akamas Peninsula, the Road to Fontana Amoroza is not one to be trifled with. First off, on entry, a sign states: ‘Do Not Enter Dangerous Road’, which should be enough of a clue as to how demanding this legal trek is.

The 3.7-mile track itself has been completely shredded, reducing the ground to only dirt and stones. Full of zig zags, no guardrails, and steep unforgiving drops, if you’re planning on riding this road caution is absolutely key.

The positives of suffering through this unstable road are tremendous sights of the surrounding sea and lands. Most prominently, the road connects to the Baths of Aphrodite (the Goddess of Love), who supposedly used the nearby bay for bathing. You can even make a day of this route, due to the number of picturesque moments beyond every corner.

Patiopoulo-Perdikaki Road – Greece

Starting in the small village of Perdikaki, this mountain trail is certainty not for the faint-hearted.

The Patiopoulo-Perdikaki road is 17.9 miles of ridged gravel, with continuous drop-off points throughout – and these are not the kind that you get back up from. At 825m high, featuring no guard rails or protection to stop riders from plummeting off the edge, the phrase slow and steady has never applied more.

Taking the slow approach allows time to bask in the sumptuous scenery that circles the area. Gorgeous greenery, staggering horizons and the odd goat farmer make for a captivating ride. Apparently daredevils often attempt the road at night, which is even more crazy considering it’s completely pitch black. Just remember: don’t look down.

A537 (Cat and Fiddle) – England

Cat-FiddleDeadly but beautiful. This best describes the treacherous road between Buxton and Macclesfield that has topped Britain’s most dangerous road polls for years.

Infamously known as ‘the widow-maker’, due to the amount of motorcyclist deaths, safety measures have constantly been put in place to try and reduce the carnage. These include: improved safety barriers, helicopter patrols, increased number of speed cameras, and the biggest change so far – dropping the speed limit to 50mph.

Yet studies still find the road to be the worst in the country, with the British European Road Assessment Programme being the latest to post their findings. By analysing road users, vehicles and the road environment, a percentage was formulated of how likely you are to crash as a motorcyclist on each road.

Cat and Fiddle beat out all competition with 67% , which is 12% more than any other road in the UK. Naturally, this overshadows the astonishing scenic views and incredible riding that the location offers, from the alluring Macclesfield Forest to the quaint Cat and Fiddle Inn. A magnificent sight for anyone that manages to undertake this passage.

Bayburt Of Yolu-D915 – Turkey

Ok, so we’re cheating a little bit with this one, as Turkey is technically in both Europe and Asia, nonetheless we simply couldn’t miss out the heart-pounding Bayburt Of Yolu. otherwise known as state road D.915. No nerves are allowed on this track and committing 100% is the only sure way to survive the 66-mile journey.

A beaten-up roadway consisting of 29 steep hairpins and several mountain passes, including the perilous Soganli Geçidi, which stands at the gargantuan 2,336m above sea level. Testing every riders’ skill to the limit, the rewards are fantastic, with vistas to savour as far the eye can see.

Another bonus is that you can visit the fascinating city of Bayburt, which possesses a medieval castle and natural waterfall; even the legendary Marco Polo visited the city once.

D219 – France

Sacré bleu. France’s D219 may only run for 6.1 miles, but those miles feel hell of a lot longer when you’re surrounding by death defying drops like these. Known for being one of France’s ‘balcony roads’ (thoroughfares cut through cliff faces), the ever-advancing cliffs make the drive uneasy to say the least – especially for those with claustrophobia.

The narrow road and steep falls ooze nauseum, even more so when you realise the road is only wide enough for one vehicle for the majority of its length. Consequently, drivers may need to reverse up to two miles just so they’re able to pass one another. Thankfully, it’s not as bad for us bikers who can squeeze through tight spots with minimal hassle.

Still, factoring in the multiple hairpin curves and unlit tunnels and you have one of the most nerve-wracking six miles in France. Saying all that, hold your nerve and the views and sense of amazement are worth it.

dguard eCall System

Whether it’s brave or mad to tackle these types of roads, that’s completely up for debate. Either way, if you did want to take on these extremely dangerous roads (or any other for that fact), it’s worth having someone to back you up – in particular if you’re riding solo. That’s where dguard comes in.

The dguard eCall system detects when a rider has crashed and will automatically send a message to the local emergency services, making them aware of your whereabouts via GPS co-ordinates.

No matter what country you’re visiting in Europe, the e-Call system will send the voice message in the native language of that specific country, therefore reducing the stress of travelling and letting you explore at your leisure. Available for £499.99 (plus installation fees), you can find more information about the eCall system and its features by heading over to the Bike It Trade website.