2021 ABR Festival
General Covid Guidelines
I’m sure you’ll be well aware of the general guidance that follows. To sum up it’s exercise common sense and respect for everyone else on site and by that we mean other festival goers, exhibitors and staff. If we all do that then we’re all going to have a fantastic weekend. See you at Ragley Hall.
- Before you set off. Please complete the required LFT within 48 hours of the event and please do not attempt to come to the festival if you have any COVID symptoms. Please follow government guidelines regarding testing and isolation.
- On arrival – check in, parking, camping will be distanced, so please follow the signs and the steward’s instruction. There will be a Track and Trace QR Code available at Check In and please have your tickets ready and respect social distancing. Signage will be in place to remind you.
- Onsite – Hands, Face, Space. While the festival is almost exclusively classed as outdoors, including the marquees, one or two areas will have slightly different social distancing measures – i.e. the indoors film festival, toilet and shower facilities and queuing for food. There will be signage to remind you what to do as you move around, but the key thing is to remember… hands, face, space and respect your fellow festival goers.
- Bring your masks We ask everyone to bring and wear masks whilst indoors i.e. the film festival, toilets etc. If you need a spare mask please go to the ABR Information Desk.
- Stick to your bubble and keep your distance from other’s bubbles – The bar area is also served by waiter/waitress service. Please keep your distance between your bubbles and as per the current rules, keep bubbles at 30 people or less.
- Cleanliness is next to godliness There’ll be ample handwashing and hand-sanitizer points, but we do suggest bringing a small supply for yourself.
- Follow the signs For many areas like toilets, food etc there’ll be signs in place. Please respect and follow the instructions.
- Be respectful There’ll be lots of staff, stewards and security and they’ll be there to help keep you safe and to have an enjoyable festival so please respect what they ask of you. Any bad behaviour will simply not be tolerated.
- Rule of 6 inside – please stick to groups of 6 and no more in indoor spaces.
If you start to feel ill on site and you think you might have COVID it is imperative you leave quickly and safely with your whole group:
- Wear a mask and keep your distance.
- Email [email protected] with subject line ‘ILLNESS COVID’ and tell us who is ill, and who is leaving, and confirming your contact number
- You need to follow government guidelines immediately by isolating and taking a PCR test
- We will follow up immediately
- Please do not come to the site office, or medical areas or LFT site testing.