Sam Manicom

SAM MANICOM has travelled for much of his life, with his first solo trip age 16 heading into mainland Europe on a bicycle. In various parts of the world he subsequently hitch-hiked, backpacked, hiked, bussed and rode trains.

Wanting to do something completely different, Sam learned to ride a motorcycle and set off to travel the length of Africa. He’d been riding a bike for just three months the day he arrived at the Sahara.

This one-year trip turned into an eight-year, 200,000 mile journey across 55 countries and five continents (Europe, Africa, Asia, Africa again, South America and North America). His GS is still his only means of transport in the UK and has 285,000 miles under her wheels, so far…

Sam is the author of four motorcycle travel books. His first book, ‘Into Africa’, was written as a result of readers' letters to magazine editors. 'We like Sam's articles. When's he going to write a book?' His books are – Into Africa, Under Asian Skies, Distant Suns (Southern Africa plus South and Central America) and Tortillas to Totems (Mexico, the USA and Canada).

Find out more about Sam Manicom here.

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SAM MANICOM has travelled for much of his life, with his first solo trip age 16 heading into mainland Europe on a bicycle. In various parts of the world he subsequently hitch-hiked, backpacked, hiked, bussed and rode trains.

Wanting to do something completely different, Sam learned to ride a motorcycle and set off to travel the length of Africa. He’d been riding a bike for just three months the day he arrived at the Sahara.

This one-year trip turned into an eight-year, 200,000 mile journey across 55 countries and five continents (Europe, Africa, Asia, Africa again, South America and North America). His GS is still his only means of transport in the UK and has 285,000 miles under her wheels, so far…

Sam is the author of four motorcycle travel books. His first book, ‘Into Africa’, was written as a result of readers' letters to magazine editors. 'We like Sam's articles. When's he going to write a book?' His books are – Into Africa, Under Asian Skies, Distant Suns (Southern Africa plus South and Central America) and Tortillas to Totems (Mexico, the USA and Canada).

Find out more about Sam Manicom here.

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