Road rage - mad cyclist

Anything goes, and mine's a Guinness.
ZX Raziel
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Road rage - mad cyclist

Post by ZX Raziel »

Was driving to work yesterday listening to classic fm having a nice time thinking about my 4 days long weekend ( 1 day off , 2 days sat and sun + bank holyday monday ) following two cars , the one in fromt of me was big land rover which made the visibility limited , stopped at lights then when the green apeared moved on again moment after that the cars in front of me passed a cyclist i did the same but as i was trying to get pass him ( in low speed ) he started moving to the center of the road to be able to pass him safely i ended moving pass the white line in the middle of the road , i was not angry i thought that he might be listening to MP3 player or something and he cannot hear me nor see me ( no mirrors on bike ) but when i was right next to him he must have seen me . This was about 500 meters from T junction and i have seen white car turning there and going in my direction ( i was in his lane ) not a big deal plenty of time to get back in my lane i have accelerated and returned in my lane overtaking the strange behaving lad ( i thought he might be turning right on the junction and that is why he is trying get in the center of the road but he was doing it too early and at the same time another vehicle was trying to pass him ) did not think much off it and continued down the road to the junction , the cars in front of me stopped to wait for the traffic to clear on the main road we are about to enter i did the same stopped and put the car in neutral and aplayed handbreak . Sitting in the car and waiting i have spotted the biker in the rear view mirror comming down getting closer and closer the i have realized that he is not slowing down and watched him riding right in the back of my car and trowing him self on the car trying to do some damage ( its hard to describe this using words you would have to see it to get the idea ) he did it on purpose i could not believe it , he was looking right in front of him he clearly seen me ( just passed him moments ago ) and he was not braking + just before the impact he got ready for it ( left the handlebars ) right in front of my eyes .
I have opened the doors and asked him " What are you doing man are you blind ? " he replayed " You are fucking blind you prick " and he was smiling ( unable to hide his emotions clearly satisfied with him self ) i went out of the car to have look what damage he did to the car and as i was aproaching he pushed the bike against me and hit my hand with the handle bars , instinct kicked in and i have punched the sucker without even thinking about it . He seemed to know his game well , pulled out pen and a notebook and started writing my numberplate down saying that he is going to call the police , i told him to get them as it will save me the time doing it and drove away .
I dont know what was his problem but i can smell rat , wondering if he was after compensation or just plane lunetic .

This incident had upsett me greatly because i am cyclist and a motorbike rider who was pushed of the road in the ditch twice by bad drivers and i am always passing others safely with plenty of space , people like this one give us all bad name and dont deserve to be on the road . Now waiting for the police to be in the touch
I have only one regret and that is that i have not punched him properly .
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Re: Road rage - mad cyclist

Post by davsato »

did you have any witnesses to counter the several he's bound to have lined up? Although if he hit the back of your car i dont know what he thinks he's going to achieve, you can sue him or maybe before you decked the twat
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Re: Road rage - mad cyclist

Post by Harty »

You'd better read this about 'no win, no fee' bogus claims my dirt!
ZX Raziel
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Re: Road rage - mad cyclist

Post by ZX Raziel »

No witnesses :(
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Re: Road rage - mad cyclist

Post by Jelly »

Did you swap details? If not you have contravened section 170 of the road traffic act.

You should've stayed and called the rozzers yourself.

Good luck.
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Re: Road rage - mad cyclist

Post by James691 »

If it is a main street in a town there may well be CCTV footage, ask the Local Authorities.

I take it you punched the man as you feared that he was about to cause you harm, having been hit by his bike already. So, hitting him was to repel any further attack that you believed was coming your way, given the strange behaviour of the man. This would be fine under Common Law Self Defence. Once the man stepped back, you gave no further use of force.

I guess you are looking to press charges yourself for criminal damage to your vehicle, given that you feel is behaviour was reckless. Your vehicle was stopped in a designated public road for the purposes of following the Highway Code, Red lights etc. This must have been a very stressful time for you.

All this is guess work on my behalf, only you would know what your intent and belief at the time was.

Few things on 170 - It is about an 'accident' rather than Criminal Damage. You believe this was on purpose and not an accident. Also the presence of shock would be a factor.

(6) To comply with a duty under this section to report an accident or to produce such a certificate of insurance or security, or other evidence, as is mentioned in section 165(2)

(a) of certificate of insurance or security, or other evidence, as is mentioned in section 165(2)(a) of this Act, the driver -
(a) must do so at a police station or to a constable, and
(b) must do so as soon as is reasonably practicable and, in any case, within twenty-four hours of the occurrence of the accident

(7) A person who fails to comply with a duty under section (5) above is guilty of an offence, but he shall not be convicted by reason only of a failure to produce a certificate or other evidence if, within seven days after the occurrence of the accident, the certificate or other evidence is produced at a police station that was specified by him at the time when the accident was reported.

So, call the local Police and report it. Get a log number and you will have completed your civil duty. I'd get some free legal advice on the matter in first instance.

Best of luck.
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Re: Road rage - mad cyclist

Post by Phil »

to be fair shouldnt of punched him as you risked hurting your hand, elbows and knee's are far better. ;) that or you should of pretended to fall over him and then stamped on him....back of the hand? nuts? (like when Mario Balotelli stamped on Scott Parker)

any way, i dont want to give away any more of my secrets!

Its does sound like he knew what he was doing, also sounds like he's slightly insane. Hope it all gets sorted.
ZX Raziel
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Re: Road rage - mad cyclist

Post by ZX Raziel »

I think i might be lucky , there are some cameras on that street not sure about the coverage but worth a try , if i get the cctv footage he will be screwed .
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Re: Road rage - mad cyclist

Post by jaz1259 »

What a load of shit!! That must have been really stressful i hope this doesnt happen to me. With incidents like this all you have to remind yourself is that you have done nothing wrong and that the truth will always come out.
I agree with James that you should contact the Police and not explain you have been in a RTC but that someone has deliberately damaged your car.

I bet this happens a lot I do remember that if you pull out on someone or pull infront and cause them to brake hard crashing into the back of you that your at fault I bet this little NASTY PERSON tries this on a lot.

Good Luck
ZX Raziel
Posts: 2039
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Re: Road rage - mad cyclist

Post by ZX Raziel »

I have reported it to the police .
He had plenty of time to stop ( about 50 metres ) and i was sitting duck for him to hit my car .
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