Author: Rob Slade

Video of the week: Extreme bridge crossing in Cambodia

We’ve seen some pretty scary bridge crossings in our time but this one may just take the biscuit.

The video shows a group of motorcyclists on an off-road ride in Cambodia who are stopped in their tracks by a large rift in the land. It appears the main bridge has been damaged and it is completely impassable meaning the group have to cross a very unsafe looking substitute.

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The bridge – if you can call it that – they actually have to cross looks like nothing more than some planks of wood thrown together in no time at all. It’s not very wide, is on a slant and has frequent loose planks. It’s certainly not one for the faint-hearted.

Check out how the group of motorcyclists got in in the video below and then let us know if you’d cross this bridge by popping by on Facebook, Twitter or commenting below.