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You do not exist

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 11:24 am
by Alun
I spent three days this week at the Outdoor Trade Show hiking around the stands looking at the gadgets and gear that'll be in the stores next year. Most all of these companies know me and if they don't then they know of Adventure Travel magazine which we've been publishing for the past 15 years.

Now here's a thing. This year I stuck a copy of issue 1 ABR under their noses and quite a few looked at me as if I was tripping on acid.

'Alun, they ride motorcycles, they don't use outdoor gear' to which I replied 'yes you're right, we camp in our panniers and cook on our exhausts'.

Fortunately, there are some switched on companies, and retailers, but only those with bike riders at director level or those with a head office in Germany – where they really do get the adventure biker/outdoor gear connection.

Short sighted or what?

Re:You do not exist

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 11:49 am
by bandit1250gt
Hey Alun,

Totally agree! I was in our local camping store a few weeks back looking for a few bits and bobs for our second trip this year (Austria) and a guy came up to me and the good lady and asked if we needed any help. After replying I was on the hunt for a few bits and pieces for a bike trip he chipped in with "shouldn't you take a look over in Halfords!!!

I will not go into detail on the site in terms of my reply but lets just say my good lady just looked at him with that "I want to burn your face off" look!!!

We have been touring for many years (last couple of months on our new Vara which is the business) and constantly come across this "view/mindset". Certain manufactures are really missing a market and if just thought about it would I am sure begin to think about the biker!


Re:You do not exist

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 1:59 pm
by irishtiger
One place I've always got great service is Tiso the Outdoor Specialist, in Belfast. I know they have more shops in Scotland not sure about England. They carry a large range of outdoor gear and are always helpful.I let them its for M/C touring,its never a problem. They have put tents up for me in the shop, Let me try sleeping bags for size. Recommend other makes that are cheaper and sort out complaints fast. There are cheaper about but the service they give is worth the little extra.

Re:You do not exist

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 2:27 pm
by Alun
Agreed about Tiso, good guys with switched on staff, shame they don't venture south of the border.

Re:You do not exist

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 7:11 pm
by herman
There are a few bike dealers and accessory shops that don't seem to cater for motorcyclists that I could name let alone camping retailers!

Re:You do not exist

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 7:22 pm
by africajim
Our local Milletts are biker friendly, one of the staff is a biker and understands full well weight isn't such a big issue as size for us. (ooh err missus!)
Sounds a bit like Honda and a replacement for the Africa Twin,,,,, "but you've got the Transalp or the Varadero,,,," DOH!

Re:You do not exist

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 9:24 pm
by davsato
i think bike dealers miss a trick too, in the summer if they had a bike in the showroom loaded up with camping gear it would set some folks thinking. they could even have some sort of affiliation deal with a local camping store for recomendations, discount vouchers etc. although knowing them, theyll afiliate with a prestige store like 'snow and rock' with a 1,000,000% markup.
i dont know any bikers who dont go camping at least once a year, even if its just the bmf show or whatever. and these days bikers have a lot of leisure pounds to spend, theyre missing the boat.
(dont KTM do a range of tents and stuff?)(and a toaster that burns KTM into the bread, cool)

Re:You do not exist

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 10:09 pm
by 03001978
We have Tiso's you have Cotswold Outdoor - that shop is pure porn (certainly the one in Kendal) - albeit they have not long opened a shop in Aberdeen.

I have worked in teh bike trace for near ona decade now (cycles that is) and you will never meet such a knowledgable bunch of enthusiasts. This can also be across most sports orientated shops, running, skiing etc...

This is our passion. For example, at the bike shop everyone rode to work so cycled everyday, we understand the problems that most people have with cycling so can suggest products to combat these. Where I was we had a range of staff covering all disciplines of biking - road, mtb, touring, track etc... therefore if I didnt know the specifics on say downhill racing "hold on, I cant help you on that one but I my collegue can" - you get the point. Pure, honest advice from one enthusiast to another and most importantly not pushy. I hate the fact that most customers presume that all bike shops work on commision. There is no way that I would sell a bike purely for a sale. if its not right, its not right. And for you parents out there dont ever buy a bike on the pretense "its OK they will grow into it!!"

Touching on a note about collabarations between specialists shops. Tiso colaberate with Alpine bikes so often have mtb dressed with biking gear to tempt their cusatomers. My local Hein Gerike also feature the local Motorbike shop with two of the newest, sports bike working the window.

You can never beat the advice of your local specialist shop. Although there are the few numpties kicking about!


Re:You do not exist

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 2:06 pm
by scouse
Agreed with Cotswold Outdoor, every one of their shops I have used has been staffed with enthusiasts who can rapidly translate their knowledege and experience to other disciplines.

Too many companies evidently don't see the burgeoning motorcycle touring market as viable or we would be inundated with cheap crap goods if they did.

Look at how foot and Mouth halted the music festivals a few years back combined with a bad summer and Blacks/Millets who specialise in supplying that market had a bit of a financial wobble... lots of cheap tenst were available that year.

Re: You do not exist

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 3:42 pm
by Barnman
Do you think the internet and big chains are making it hard for local, specialist, shops run by enthusiasts to be viable?

[li]Internet shops are usually driven by price.[/li]
[li]Big chains can suffer from cheap, temporary staff with no experience or interest (not all I know)[/li]

But there is no substitute for seeing something in the hand to see what it is like, and this is where the local shop comes in. But how many look in the shop and then buy on the net. And if Iam honest, I know I have. So much for principles :blush: