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Stonehenge Tunnel

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2023 6:48 pm
by Richard Simpson Mark II
Is back on the agenda. ... e-40286120

IIRC, the original plans entailed closing the Stonehenge byways....which makes sense from a commercial POV as English Heritage wants total control of the site so you have to do the whole pay to view 'Stonehenge Experience' to see the thing at all.

But the Stonehange byways form a vital link between The Plain and the Drove Roads to the south for us trail riders....pigfarm lane.

Does anyone know if TRF or any of the 4x4/byways groups are doing anything?

Re: Stonehenge Tunnel

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2023 11:03 pm
by Ksithumper
What a waste of my taxpayer money. Just plant a bloody hedge - the traffic will flow if there's nothing to gawp at.

Re: Stonehenge Tunnel

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2023 9:06 am
by Helicoptermanr22
What a complete mess. It looks now.!

Before it was fields, tracks and stones! Now it’s a bus station, a horrific, looking building, concrete and tarmac!

BRILLIANT! Just leave the bloody place alone and put it back to as it was:)). Rant over:))

Re: Stonehenge Tunnel

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2023 10:05 am
by Richard Simpson Mark II
After the byway is closed 'to protect the historic environment' it will be converted into an overspill coach park and a track for roadtrains taking tourists from the gift shop to the viewing area for the stones themselves.
'they paved paradise and put up a paring lot'!

Re: Stonehenge Tunnel

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2023 12:56 pm
by garyboy
The sad truth is that we we are all now coming to understand that uk plc has blatantly become a 'for profit' organisation.

.. run by globalist, the one percent, big business, etc, and asset stripping of national factors and low moniitorising and devaluation of humanity is a means to its greedy future.

Re: Stonehenge Tunnel

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2023 1:00 pm
by garyboy
Education ???


We've learned alright .. its


Fukk it .. I'm off on me trail bike ... o . Er .. there's a tro on my favourite trail :lol:

Re: Stonehenge Tunnel

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2023 1:19 pm
by garyboy
We are very fortunate in this country to be shown how its done .. gaslight the population, lell blatant lies, break the rules yourself, change legislation to suit your greed, penalise good people, laugh in the face of dying people, be blatantly in a parallel universe where you propound honesty and truth .. suck on a fat greasy chicken leg at your expensive dining table while the lower classes die of hunger and poor pay, tell them they need to tighten their belts even further so that your kind can live better lives with less inflation ..

Put shit in the country's water .. make the poor fukkers suffer while extracting the profits for non British..

Yes, the very British establishments will now fence off our national assets to extract any small drops of blood left in our poor British veins.

Re: Stonehenge Tunnel

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2023 1:21 pm
by garyboy
After all ... its the government that owns the countryside and heritage, .. isn't it.

They own the land, with their rich mates, and all that lives there..

Re: Stonehenge Tunnel

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2023 1:37 pm
by garyboy
About 5 years ago, a mate led me around Salisbury plain. It was a great adventure for me, as I had driven many times by car through the area. As a special request I asked if we could do a trail near to stone henge as I was always interested in the site and had visited it when you actually walk through it and touch the stones. He has won many vmcc orienteering trail rides, but he couldn't find a suitable trail route to the monument. We were even stopped by a car driver and warned not to follow one route as it was troed, even permanently closed to all motor vehicles.

It wasn't that you couldn't visit the national monument.. its just that you had to pay to do so, and at their times and convenience. and in their mode of transport.

Re: Stonehenge Tunnel

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2023 2:52 pm
by Helicoptermanr22
Pure capitalism and now have to pay for something thats been there since the dawn of the XR250.

Hardly protecting it from wear and tear !

Oh wait, you can wear it down, but you have to pay for the privilege and let’s invite hordes of buses in what was known as a previously unspoiled landscape!!