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Soar Y Mynydd closed

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2022 10:15 pm
by bikenav
Below info copied from the local authority, well known trail is closed due to bad weather damage, I have seen photos it looks pretty bad I guess there are more in the same state :(

TWUID: SN7354-02 Soar Y Mynydd
Please avoid due to severe washout
Update from Ceredigion Highways Department:
USRN 47108110 / U1516
Llanddewi Brefi to Bronhelm Bridge
Unfortunately, we have had to close this section of road until further notice. Before we get there to do any remedial works we will need assent from NRW as the surrounding area is all SSSI

Re: Soar Y Mynydd closed

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 9:57 am
by Richard Simpson Mark II
Bad news...I wonder if it will ever be re-instated?

Re: Soar Y Mynydd closed

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 1:04 pm
by tempesc
Thanks for the share.

Ive walked that one with the dog a few times in the last few months and seen some 4x4s coming off of it. It was pretty rough in places (but not as bad as some others i have seen).

A beautiful part of the world…but not a busy one, I can’t see the local authority dashing to repair it any time soon - hope I am wrong. Is Strata Florida next?

Re: Soar Y Mynydd closed

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2022 10:33 pm
by bikenav
Similar happened a few years ago after bad weather it was repaired but as I remember that was more than 12 months later, by its nature up in the hills with that steep incline from the water crossing water erosion is a problem channeled by the banks. Will it be repaired and reopened I kinda hope so its cracking ride with a decent level of challenge on the GS, but I also question the cost in thousands to repair it I am unsure how many other people use it other than us lesure users. Its a long loop round in the winter to get there but its a shame to miss it out.
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Strata had a bit of work a short time ago, and does not really suffer so much from the steep slopes and water combo but does get heavily used by lumpy tyres. If I hear of reopening I will try and remember to post the change.

Re: Soar Y Mynydd closed

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 6:40 am
by tempesc
Thanks bikenav, and encouraging that they ddi sort it last time. Assume you are not doing Strata on the GS?

Re: Soar Y Mynydd closed

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 8:48 am
by dibbs
Having recently joined the TRF and seeing they are a willing bunch, i would be happy to spend a weekend helping out in repairing that trail (if i was local) does anyone know why the council cant enlist the help of say the ramblers and various motorised clubs to provide man power to repair these things, as we would all be happy for it to be opened up faster. Or is it all about bullshit red tape, power and money?

Re: Soar Y Mynydd closed

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2022 12:39 pm
by Paul_C
Both the TRF and GLASS do so.

Re: Soar Y Mynydd closed

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 12:37 pm
by bikenav
Strata not regularly and only at low water, I enjoy the technical parts but dont enjoy the mechanical or physical risk of it going petetong or deep water ingress regardless.
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The TRF has not had a strong following locally and has appeared weak and unhelpfull to many of those who have been members in the past or longer periods I was a member once myself but it appeared to offer little to me, maybe I should look at the bigger picture but thats another story. unsure of the relationship to the local authorities of any groups, I would be willing to help as a volunteer but never heard of anything happening locally in an organized way. Money is clearly an issue and rightly so as I hinted at earlier, aswell as landowner/SSI status relationships apparently too. In this case its a relatively remote area with difficult access for either the authorities or volunteers needing some plant and material to repair, a few boys with shovels and a saw will not suffice unfortunately, but if anyone gets wind of an effort please post and I'll be there if possible.

Soar Y Mynydd closed

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 7:20 pm
by tempesc
bikenav wrote:Strata not regularly and only at low water, I enjoy the technical parts but dont enjoy the mechanical or physical risk of it going petetong or deep water ingress regardless.
Sounds sensible - would be beyond my abilities.

I ride it fairly regularly, but drowned my Freeride once when the puddle was deeper than my airbox. Thankfully all resolved trailside once we got to the plug and got it out.

Not ridden it on the 701 down there yet but hopefully back up later in March.

Re: Soar Y Mynydd closed

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2022 4:26 pm
by tempesc
Walked this today. Here’s a combo of my wife, mate and dog illustrating the issues. Hard to argue against the TRO!
