Thanks Whippet for joining us, glad you enjoyed itWhippet wrote:The weekend is still not over for me, catching the ferry this morning from Larne. A big thank you to the organisers Flintlock and Heff, organised to military precision. Great ride out on Saturday, big ride outs are usually not my bag, however, this was spectacular taking in some of the best parts of the beautiful north.
The camp site was top draw, with great facilities , even it's own bothy with peat fire for the cool nights. On the Sunday when most had gone home I managed to get over to Donegal to get a few miles of the WAW in, I will return to do the rest in the next year or so. Met some great people including the Glasgow chapter of the "hillbillys" they were something else. !!!
Glad I took the RT as the weather has been challenging at times especially coming over the Pennines last Thursday night with the snow ploughs out hmy:
Looking forward to a leisurely ride back to East yorks today (thumbs)
If I can manage the picture downloading thingy (not managed so far) I'll post later.
Good to meet you. Until next time (thumbs)