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BMW offroad skills

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 12:32 pm
by DaveCon
Anybody here done the BMW offroad skills course(s)?

I've done a bit of offroad and trail riding here and abroad but wanted to gain some experience of a big bike (F800GS) without potentially wrecking mine. I thought Level 2 would suit me but reading their blurb it looks like Level 1 might be necessary before Level 2. Even though Level 1 is for "never been offroad" it also says suitable for "up to clubmans competition"!!?

Just looking for some opinions whether Level 1 is important or a bit basic.

Re: BMW offroad skills

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 12:39 pm
by PaulinBont
Even within Level One, there will be a split between those total newbies and those who don't regard themselves as experts but need a bit a bit of coaching-this sub group will be quite adventurous on the day

Re: BMW offroad skills

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 12:52 pm
by SteveW
I bought a GS800 off a mate a year or so ago.
I've got plenty of experience of smaller bikes offTarmac, but I wanted to see what me and an 800 could do....I didn't want off road instruction.
So I did the "Skills enhancement Day" Well I suppose they had to call it something.
Basically, me and four others....on a 1200, 650 and two of us on 800's, followed Simon Pavey around the big playground he has down there. No classroom stuff just riding. He's a great bloke and a top rider. He'd give help, advise and encouragement as required.
It was a fantastic day and allowed me to bridge the gap between a 450 enduro and the GS800....I can still hear him saying...."Just ride the fucker like an enduro Steve!"

Re: BMW offroad skills

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 4:57 pm
by herman
I did the level one for the same reason and it was a blast. I had enduro experience but none on the big bikes. (thumbs)

Re: BMW offroad skills

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2015 5:28 pm
by Big Red
I did the level 1 a few years ago. I learned more in 2 days off road than I had in all the years road riding. As others on here have said its a blast,I did things on a bike I never thought possible.