Nicola Sturgeon latest wheeze.

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Re: Nicola Sturgeon latest wheeze.

Post by wwdph02 »

"scots aren't racist, we hate everyone"
This from a fellow worker from north of the border, friendly banter.
If the scots and the welsh want to sing " we hate the English more than you" (again!)during the 6 nations rugby, again just banter, does it matter?
Nothing better to confuse the rest of the world " we all hate each other" except when the barbarians or british and Irish Lions are scoring against another country.
Recent holiday, before the vote, and not one scot on the cruise wanted independence. Maybe those with money for a holiday know the nonsense and taxation cost, which would be prohibitive, to split us unfriendly lot apart.
As someone who stood behind and listened as my welsh colleague was told (in Wales) that the farm owner "did not mind her neighbour, he was a jew but I can't stand her(the wife) as she is English"
Of course, once it was explained his 'English colleague was here to help restore service after the storms" I was told " I have nothing against the English!"
At least we got coffee and biscuits as we worked!
Never ever be possible to legislate for us, bit like trying to understand the cousin marrying lot, honour killings (Italian or middle east) or explaining people rough sleeping but dog and cat charities have better money for support.

Al least we all agree two wheels are best.
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Re: Nicola Sturgeon latest wheeze.

Post by Spadger »

I'd hate to see this country split up , but I don't think Krankie is doing Scotland any favours whatsoever, I think you guys should be telling her to get on with more important things than creating a huge divide between a union that has been successful for so long , this report from the tax payers alliance : While the rest of the UK has faced years of belt-tightening research carried out by the TaxPayers' Alliance reveals that the Scottish deficit, at 9.5 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP), is twice that of the rest of the nation.

The Taxpayers' Alliance said Scotland's overspending is such a chronic problem that the issue needs tackling irrespective of the independence question, as the country ran up a fiscal deficit of £14.8bn in 2015-16.

And the pressure group said an independent Scotland would have to carry out drastic measures to balance its books including cutting all spending on police, transport, and agriculture, increase basic rate income tax to 39 per cent and double VAT to 40 per While the rest of the UK has faced years of belt-tightening research carried out by the TaxPayers' Alliance reveals that the Scottish deficit, at 9.5 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP), is twice that of the rest of the nation.

The Taxpayers' Alliance said Scotland's overspending is such a chronic problem that the issue needs tackling irrespective of the independence question, as the country ran up a fiscal deficit of £14.8bn in 2015-16.

And the pressure group said an independent Scotland would have to carry out drastic measures to balance its books including cutting all spending on police, transport, and agriculture, increase basic rate income tax to 39 per cent and double VAT to 40 per cent.

In addition, health spending would also have to be cut by 82 per cent.

Scotland offers its students free university places, free personal care for needy over 65s and free prescriptions.

By contrast, students in England have to pay tuition fees, elderly care is means-tested and prescriptions cost £8.40

John O'Connell, chief executive of the TaxPayers' Alliance, said, "The Scottish government has been relying on an unsustainable situation, depending on English subsidies to plug an ever-increasing deficit.

"It is crucial that spending is reined in
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Re: Nicola Sturgeon latest wheeze.

Post by Jak* »

If I were Scottish I would vote for Nicola, in fact if the SNP had a candidate in the English constituency that I live in I would vote for them. If you leave aside the independence question, because it does not (unfortunately) apply to the Derbyshire Dales, most of her other policies seem to make far more sense to me that what the English politicians are offering.
The arrogance of the Tory party and the lies that were told to the Scottish people in the weeks leading up to the referendum would make me want to leave the UK if I were Scottish. I find it fascinating that there are Brexit voters who voted to leave the EU, regardless of the short and medium turn consequences, in the hope of some miraculous turn around in economic circumstances, then condemn SNP supporters for wanting to leave because it is not financially viable.
Cheers Jak
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Re: Nicola Sturgeon latest wheeze.

Post by sprintster »

Jak* wrote:If I were Scottish I would vote for Nicola, in fact if the SNP had a candidate in the English constituency that I live in I would vote for them. If you leave aside the independence question, because it does not (unfortunately) apply to the Derbyshire Dales, most of her other policies seem to make far more sense to me that what the English politicians are offering.
The arrogance of the Tory party and the lies that were told to the Scottish people in the weeks leading up to the referendum would make me want to leave the UK if I were Scottish. I find it fascinating that there are Brexit voters who voted to leave the EU, regardless of the short and medium turn consequences, in the hope of some miraculous turn around in economic circumstances, then condemn SNP supporters for wanting to leave because it is not financially viable.
Cheers Jak
The problem with the SNP is that they can talk the talk but they can't put any of it into action.They have had 10 years of devolution and have ballsed up just about everything they have been involved with.NHS,centralised police force,named persons act,farmers payments etc,etc,etc.
And the ONLY answer to any question according to them is independence!
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Re: Nicola Sturgeon latest wheeze.

Post by Simon_100 »

-Ralph- wrote:Very sad. I'm seeing a lot of things at the moment which are very sad. It's not a good time for togetherness and humanity.
Yes, you're right Ralph. I think the world has troubles enough without creating more - especially given the levels of conflict, human rights abuses that we in the west/UK can hardly imagine (and that's not even including the 'usual' natural disasters that are actually getting worse due to human intervention like poor housing, overpopulation in vulnerable zones, etc.) it makes you realize that both the Scottish question and even Btexit are just storms in a teacup - and of our own making to boot. I think 'Hoots mon get a life!' may be the the relevant term?
wwdph02 wrote: ...

Al least we all agree two wheels are best.
Or three wheels! :whistle:


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Re: Nicola Sturgeon latest wheeze.

Post by Spadger »

Can't recall condemning anyone for wanting independence , said it would be a shame , our nation is full of imaginary borders , I'm sure Geordieland could have been a country :) lots of tribes powerful kings armies clans defining borders etc, if The scots so badly want independence then crack on , I'm just sick of seeing Sturgeons face and hearing her voice every day , her policies are good ? At what cost ? Could they be maintained without the uk, could we in England and Wales do it without a huge impact on tax etc , devolution has created more divide than good in my eyes , but I'm just a thick racist northerner , 60% of Scotland's exports are to the rest of uk , can't be sniffed at , you also refer to brexiter s condemning Scotland for wanting independence but not us for leaving eu, I don't condemn anyone , I find it a shame that they'd rather break up a union that's been there for 100s of years than remain , the U.K. Is An island with lots of strange accent s pity we just couldn't get along like that , like I said devolution has created a major headache , but that's just my opinion , as Simon said there's far worse happening in the world , far more significant things.
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Re: Nicola Sturgeon latest wheeze.

Post by rlkat »

Sturgeon's on the Marr show spouting the same bollocks; "Scotland overwhelmingly voted to stay in the EU...."


67.2% turnout
62% voted to remain

This is why we should have compulsory voting to prevent shites like her distorting the figures.
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Re: Nicola Sturgeon latest wheeze.

Post by Philiptigerrice »

She'll carry on going and carry on going and carry on going - until the Scottish electorate get sick of her.

They voted to remain a part of the UK - knowing an EU referendum was around the corner.

Then the UK voted to leave Europe.


End of.

She knows that the UK Govt won't entertain her nonsense - and she goes on about the people of Scotland who voted to remain in the EU....

Only 1.6 million people in Scotland voted to remain in the EU.

Less than 1 third of their electorate.

And now, 'in the name of' those 1.6 million people - the other 69 million people of the UK, has to put up with this shit all over again.

Another thing that is starting to leave the UK Govt snarling at the SNP - is the smug snide way they interfere with the Parliamentary processes of the nation - in a Parliament they loathe.

There's 5 million people in Scotland. Thats about the same as the Conurbation of Greater Manchester and its outlying commuter villages.

I think the people of Scotland will tire of the SNP before the UK Govt tires of the SNP.

She is hiding the ENORMOUS spending defecits that Scotland has - and hiding it behind the referendum stuff - its just white noise all of it - Scotland will be bankrupt if she keeps going.

And then - who'll pay the bills?

And whose fault will it be? You guessed it - those Sassenach English Bastards.

The fact that the SNP have control over almost all of their spending, and their taxation - but budgeted for an oil price that had never been achieved before - all horsehit and fairy tales - will be ignored.

It'll be Londons fault - and Londons problem.

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Re: Nicola Sturgeon latest wheeze.

Post by Philiptigerrice »


With a National Defecit that is GREATER proportionally, than Greece's - wh yon earth would the EU want Scotland on its books, in its current state? :woohoo:
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Re: Nicola Sturgeon latest wheeze.

Post by outrunner »

Well said that man, I wish more of us Scottish people knew this. All the things the SNP have done like free prescriptions, free bus passes, free eye tests, no tolls on bridges are just an attempt to win votes and the country is slowly getting in to more debt because it is all to pay for and to be honest, there is not enough tax payers in Scotland to sustain it. Those in the Scottish Parliament should concentrate more on running the country than trying to make it independent...............and skint. BTW, I am Scottish and proud of it but also proud to be a member of the UK.

Grumpy auld man.
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