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Re: South American tour

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2022 7:25 am
by Godspeed
Thanks for keeping us updated. I’m enjoying the adventure 👍

Valle de la Luna start

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2022 7:25 pm
by ErikGustav2
I did go towards Argentina. But I will not enter Argentina here and now.
The reason that I went to San Pedro de Atacama was to visit The Moon's Valley. Vale de la Luna

On the way between Alamar and San Pedro de Atacama, I passed 3 450 m altitude. Nothing for being in South America but Stelvio Pass is 2785 m. As a reference.

There were some local animals. Sweden is full of mouses, reindeer and deer.
But here we have Lamas, Alpacas ....

At the entrance for the Valley, I was told that I needed to buy a ticket on line, before coming there !!
But I had my debit card, open for internet. And they had a computer in the office. So together we manage to buy a ticket on line, in the entry reception. Strange that they could not sell tickets direct. But....

That ticket was valid for 2 different parts :
1: Riding an 11 km road in the Valley. 11 km one way and back the same way. Return before closing time.
(There were actually a lot of bicycles doing this trip.
The road had several parking places. From where there were hiking trails to view points.

2: Entry to 2 view points, high above the valley. Along the road back to Calama.
01.jpg (94.04 KiB) Viewed 994 times
The local animals
02.jpg (121.98 KiB) Viewed 994 times
The Entrance to the valley
03.jpg (105.46 KiB) Viewed 994 times
The road and parking places

Valle de la Luna - inside the walley 1

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2022 7:29 pm
by ErikGustav2
It was a fantastic experience. With a huge amount of great views.
Both the camera in the phone and my Nikkon was working hard.
(These pictures are from the phone. The content of the camera has not been transferred.)

This shows only some of it

Valle de la Luna - inside the walley 2

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2022 7:31 pm
by ErikGustav2
So many great views are worth some more pictures

Valle de la Luna - View Points

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2022 7:34 pm
by ErikGustav2
On the road back to Calaman, there was one entry to two view points.
Those view points were separated by a short trail

The pictures do not give a correct view of how high over the valley this was.
And the scale of everything

(Sorry for the man in one picture. But....)

Atacama 1

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2022 7:50 pm
by ErikGustav2
But before getting to Calama, I was riding the first part of Atacama desert.
So the posts come in wrong order.
Atacama 01.jpg
Atacama 01.jpg (88.68 KiB) Viewed 990 times
With this type of infrastructure, I filled an old Oil can with petrol and kept in the pannier.
(I would very much like to have the extra tanks that fits on the crash bar. From Hitchcook Motors)
Atacama 02.jpg
Atacama 02.jpg (97.1 KiB) Viewed 990 times
The desert is far from always flat.
Atacama 03.jpg
Atacama 03.jpg (88.71 KiB) Viewed 990 times
But sometimes it is flat.....
And here you see that phenomena.
The roads looks like covered by the sky.
And some times it looked as it it was sandy, close to the horizon. But it disappears when you get closer

Atacama 2

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2022 11:37 pm
by ErikGustav2
It was to be an easy day. With coffee break and just cruising
Until the road was blocked by the police.
Atacama 11 stridsfordon.jpg
Atacama 11 stridsfordon.jpg (90.4 KiB) Viewed 908 times
The road was blocked due to that the Chile army should move a lot of armed vehicles over the highway.
There was a strong wind. and dry soil. So a lot of dust was blowing over us.

I continued cruising. And found the sculpture hand in the desert. Mano de desierto.
I have read about it. But I did not know that is was here. So a great surprise.
Atacama 12 Hand 1.jpg
Atacama 12 Hand 1.jpg (88.42 KiB) Viewed 908 times
Atacama 13 Hand 2.jpg
Atacama 13 Hand 2.jpg (82.94 KiB) Viewed 908 times
(I have to say that I like this picture)

Atacama 3

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2022 11:43 pm
by ErikGustav2
The southern most part of the Atacama desert had some vegetation.
Bushes and cactus.

The desert ended. And Santiago was waiting.
It was very easy and calm to pass Santiago. 3 lane highway all the way. And not much traffic.

=> Towards Puerto Montt

Puerto Montt

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2022 12:51 pm
by ErikGustav2
My goal has been to ride Carretera Austral. From Puerto Montt to Villa O´Higgins
(Actually to the Border between Chile and Argentina. After Villa Ó Higgins)

With 8 200 km done
Puerto Montt 01.jpg
Puerto Montt 01.jpg (94.73 KiB) Viewed 837 times
and with only 105 km to do
Puerto Montt 02.jpg
Puerto Montt 02.jpg (114.29 KiB) Viewed 837 times
I have realized that this will not be the case now.
The last days, I have been following the weather forecast for the area.
Puerto Montt 03.png
Puerto Montt 03.png (61.28 KiB) Viewed 837 times
It shows that a huge rain has the same time plan as I have. And it is not a short one, that you can wait out.
There is no end. Even in forecasts for 7-10 days.
It is not a light rain. It is a heavy rain.
This area is not one where I want to put on the rain suit and press through.
It is a nature that should be enjoyed.

Carretera Austral can be done in one week. But two weeks are needed to make some detours.
My estimate was 3 weeks. 2 weeks of riding. And 1 extra week for heavy rain days. Places to stay extra....

But to start with waiting for 10 ?? days is not an option.
And to head into the rain is not an option

Turning East

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2022 1:01 pm
by ErikGustav2
The forecast for the other side of the Andes doesn't look that bad.
Even if it is not good.

Decision made: Turn towards Argentina and southern part of Ruta 40.
Ruta 40 was the plan for the way north. But now I do the southern part going south.
And I can return same way. Or take the Carretera Austral north. If conditions are OK.
Till Argentina 10.png
Till Argentina 10.png (279.66 KiB) Viewed 835 times
The planned route
Till Argentina 11.jpg
Till Argentina 11.jpg (87.46 KiB) Viewed 835 times
After a coffee break. I was starting up the bike and slowly looked to enter the main road again.
When a dog attacked me and bit my tight. Two teeth into the muscle.

Some talk about being robbed, kidnapped...
But I only meet friendly persons. That do all they can to help.
But wild dogs.....
It hurts. And there is risk for infections or diseases
Till Argentina 12.jpg
Till Argentina 12.jpg (143.74 KiB) Viewed 835 times
In Entre Lagos I found a beautiful camping.
And my tent went up for the first time.
Wonderful to sleep in my tent. Best night in a very long time.

Preparing for the boarder crossing tomorrow.