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Re: North London Ride out - July 24th

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 6:47 am
by coasty
No problem just interested. Having read your original intro post, i'm in a similar situation, young family and wanting to have dates set well in advance in the diary.
I would be very happy to lead a Kent ride sometime with a few gentle green lanes thrown in :)

Looking forward to the ride.

Re: North London Ride out - July 24th

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:46 am
by Mad Cow
Well I know where Sainsbury's at London Colney is and I know where Finchingfield is

So WTF are The Cricketers and The Log Cabin?

Other than that, I hope to be along!

Re: North London Ride out - July 24th

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:52 am
by Muzza
Cricketers is a nice pub in Clavering and the Log Cabin is an unusual cafe in Abridge

I've tried to position stop offs about 50 mins apart.

Hope you can join us Mad Cow


Re: North London Ride out - July 24th

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 4:45 pm
by Mad Cow
Funnily enough I rode through Clavering last night, I only know the Fox and Hounds, Jamie Oliver's parent's place at the end of Clay Pit Lane (Byway). I assume the Cricketers is the one at the other end of the village HERE.

And I ought to know the Log Cabin, i've ridden/driven past it hundreds of times as my wife comes from just up the road in Chigwell :whistle:

Not to mention the fact that I worked for the Local Council for two years so ought to remember what was on my patch.

Although I can't view the route (and I hope the links help others who can't) there are some fine roads linking these points :laugh:

Re: North London Ride out - July 24th

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 5:12 am
by northlondoncookie
Mad cow we look forward to some bollocks with you!

I have managed to post the routes for those who want directions and/or a visual overview.

Look forward to the 24th.:P

Re: North London Ride out - July 24th

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 6:27 am
by Muzza

We're going to be using the "Second Man Drop Off System" (also sometimes called the Marker System) for this rideout. Some of you will be familiar with it already. It's a system designed to allow all riders to ride at their own pace and yet still keep the group together. Please read the explanation below carefully. It sounds a bit complicated but in practice is very simple. Thanks.

The Drop off system is designed so a group of riders can make progress safely without getting split up, lost and most of all, without putting pressure on the less experienced riders in the group.
Firstly, you must have a dedicated lead rider (MUZZA) who should be experienced enough to lead a large group and must also know the route.
Secondly, you must have a dedicated last man (Tail end Charlie - this will be NLC on this ride) who must also be an experienced rider and know the route.
During the ride these two riders do not change their position within the group.
Ideally the lead rider and tail end Charlie should be highly visible (Hi Vis vest and headlights on) and would also benefit from some form of communication between them i.e. bike to bike radio.

All other riders within the group will rotate the position accordingly as follows:
When the ride sets off it is advisable to fall into a staggered formation as this allows you to close up and dominate your road space as a group, especially on faster flowing roads such as auto routes etc. but you must always use the 2 second rule (see Highway Code) as this gives you a larger margin for error, i.e. the correct stopping distance.

When the group approaches a fixed hazard (junction, set of traffic lights and major or minor turnings) the Lead Rider will indicate to the second rider to pull over safely into the side and stop. This rider then directs all the subsequent riders in the right direction. Once all but the tail end Charlie has passed him/her he then rejoins the group taking up position in front of the tail end Charlie.

At roundabouts the Second man will be dropped off at the exit only so as not to cause confusion and put riders at risk on the approach to the hazard.

To add confidence, you may also drop a rider off at the side of a road to let all the other riders know that they are on course if you are on a long A/B Road.

This routine is then repeated over and over without any of the group stopping. This system takes practice to work effectively and to gain confidence in as the group may be spread over a few miles but still be able to follow the lead rider with no problems.
The drop off system is used extensively by various motorcycle clubs and organisations and is very effective.
Please have confidence it, and under no circumstances must you rejoin the group before you see the last man as it will split the group as they wont know what direction to take.

Re: North London Ride out - July 24th

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:18 am
by Finch
Thanks Muzza for putting in the time and effort to sort this route out and to NLC for bringing the group together in the first place. There is no danger of being confused about who the TEC is on this ride - if the UFO with blazing lights is dazzling you each time you look in the mirror its your man.

Looking forward to meeting some new faces.


Finch (aka Wandering Star)

Re: North London Ride out - July 24th

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:22 am
by northlondoncookie
Finch? Doesn't sound very manly. :whistle:

Re: North London Ride out - July 24th

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 1:32 pm
by Mad Cow
Well guys, it's very nice of you to tailor the route just for me!

We will be riding up Bullocks Lane!

Shame that we will be avoiding Hertford Town Centre as we could have ridden Cow Bridge too :laugh:

Later on past Linton we travel up Bull Lane (part of the B1052) ;)


Re: North London Ride out - July 24th

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:10 pm
by Oldrat
Looking forward to meeting up with you all. Corey, if you are doing the honours, please book me a seat at the pub
