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Re: Indicating

Post by Bluebird »

On the theme of signalling, I always signal at at a roundabout, IT'S A JUNCTION, I think the theory behind over signalling for example when pulling out past parked vehicles etc is, if you signal too much it looses credibility.
The principal of signalling by road positioning come into play.
I'll leave those thoughts with you.
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Re: Indicating

Post by Mike54 »

Tapping brakes to make the person back off? No bona fide instructor would suggest that, it's total bollocks.
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Re: Indicating

Post by Uncle Buck »

bowber wrote:I did a training day with a ROSPA trainer last year and he told me I was over indicating :blink: No need to indicate when no ones around.
but you were following me.
yes but I knew what you were doing.
Oookay. At that point I just shut up and carry on over indicating.

How do you over indicate? Is he trying to help car manufacturers save on decent bulbs for the indicators or something? Even if you indicate every manouver whether there is anyone around or not, as long as your are indicating correctly, how is that a problem?
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Re: Indicating

Post by WIBO »

Decco wrote:I had a ROSPA evaluation a few weeks ago van driving.

Seriously the biggest waste of time ever!

The indicating when I didn't have to cropped up! WTF are these people trying to tech, it, does no harm to do so and covers your base if you have missed someone who will benefit from seeing your indication, ROSPA should get a grip IMPO.

The assessor picked up on my road positioning and asked if I was a biker, this was all good apparently.

I found the whole 4 hours a real waste of my time, we got back to work and she asked me if I had learnt anything from our drive.
The instructor was basically telling me to play silly games on the motorway, if you want more detail I'll provide it, but she was saying I should be tapping my brakes to get the car behind to slow down to control the space behind me, in the outside lane sorry no!, propper fuckwittery if you ask me.

Any ROPSPA members on here want to defend that?

After that assessment ROSPA can keep themselves to themselves, I've been driving plenty of years now without incident and their advise will get you into bother or the victim of a road rage attack. Follow their advice to the letter at your own risk , just wear a camera to !

FFS.....scary,scary advice...especially the motorway stuff :blink: :blink: ........That is basically IMO teaching an offence of Careless and Inconsiderate Driving .......always stated you don't know all the time who will benefit....

The only time I wasn't taught to indicate was coming back into lane after passing someone as you're ahead of them and they can see what you'll be doing as you're riding faster than them....I don't know if that's still taught these days though....everything else......indicate...common sense really.

If nothing else it teaches you to kind of do it automatically all the in mirror checks.

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Re: Indicating

Post by simonw »

To an extent, it's a bit of a moot point, since unless everyone always indicates correctly and then makes the manoeuvre they're indicating for, every single time without fail, you can't rely on the indication. So where does that leave you? Generally I don't believe indicators unless I see the vehicle begin the associated manoeuvre (e.g., start to steer in the direction indicated, or reduce speed considerably etc).

On the subject of tapping brakes, I was taught to tap them when slowing to a stop or near stop if there is traffic close-ish behind to forewarn them I am about to slow down and/or stop, on the basis that bikes offer so much engine braking that sometimes it's not necessary to use the brakes as much and the brake tap just gives the person a heads up etc. This seems to make sense to me, since if the driver behind is on auto-pilot or not paying sufficient attention, the brake lights might just be enough to wake them up!
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Re: Indicating

Post by Simon_100 »

Mike54 wrote:What's happened with car drivers? Almost no one seems to indicate on roundabouts anymore? And turns off smaller roads, they just brake, you think hello what's this, then they turn, no indicating. Wtf is going on?
I'd say that they much all be Spanish immigrants apart form the bit about breaking! (thumbs)


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Re: Indicating

Post by SteveR »

92kk k100lt 193214 wrote:Years back I had my full bike licence well before I ever got a car.

So I had no car and learned to drive with an instructor. 'Always indicate, you never know who is relying on your signal when you can't always see them'. Wise man.
Agree 100% (thumbs)
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Re: Indicating

Post by SteveR »

Decco wrote:sor picked up on my road positioning and asked if I was a biker, this was all good apparently.

I found the whole 4 hours a real waste of my time, we got back to work and she asked me if I had learnt anything from our drive.
The instructor was basically telling me to play silly games on the motorway, if you want more detail I'll provide it, but she was saying I should be tapping my brakes to get the car behind to slow down to control the space behind me, in the outside lane sorry no!, propper fuckwittery if you ask me.

Any ROPSPA members on here want to defend that?
Go on, what did you respond to her question??? ;)
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Re: Indicating

Post by garyboy »

so .. I finally worked it out .. the young driver no longer needs to indicate .. because he is `driving` too fast to have time ..
.. too close to the car in front, too fast for the conditions, too fast for the location, in a car too fast for local safety, in a tight convoy of too fast youngsters with no time to spare (or to continue living)
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Re: Indicating

Post by bowber »

My ROSPA assessor also said about tapping the brakes to operate the brake lights when slowing into speed limits.
He said it is a warning that your slowing down but might not be using brakes.
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