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Re: West Wales ABR RALLY 2015 Campsite

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 6:30 pm
by Steev68
Finally got home from a wonderful 11 days on the bike. Spent first week hugging the south west of England coastline from Bristol around to St Austell and then a 2 day saunter through Devon, Somerset and the south Wales coast to be at the rally.From there I have meandered up the west Wales coastline and finally back home to Wrexham, just shy of 1,400 miles in total and loved every one of them.
This was my first rally and I have to say I met some incredibly helpful and accommodating people (some slightly eccentric people too.. you know who you are!) :P This was my first "proper" bike tour and I wanted to see if I would actually enjoy life on the road as much as I thought I would, it's safe to say, the bug has well and truly sunk it's teeth in and it's not for letting go any time soon!!
Thanks to everyone, especially Big Al, who offered advice and recommendations to me the whole weekend, I went wondering which bike I should buy to fulfill my dreams of foreign travel, I left being even more confused than when I started!! :laugh: I'll get there in the end but until then the old Trophy, which is being treated to a new set of boots in the morning, will carry my fat arse around for the near future.
Thanks again guys, you are all a thoroughly decent bunch! (thumbs)

Re: West Wales ABR RALLY 2015 Campsite

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 6:54 pm
by Agent Orange
Here are some photos, a bit mixed up but you get the idea (thumbs)

Right I'm here

Set up nad ready for Man Chilli and red wine, note the Jake and neverland Pirates Cup (thumbs) Notice Tarp up, for a short time that is!


On the Way to Newgale Beach


Stumble head Light House, Impressive


Cawl Night and a bit Grumpy by the Fire :pinch:


Missed the Ice Cream Stop :woohoo:


Setting off Back home, ABR weekend, done!

Re: West Wales ABR RALLY 2015 Campsite

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 7:06 pm
by tefflon
Hi steev68

It's not what you ride it's the adventure you can do on the bike and you will fine lots of places to have an adventure
Darren gave me your number so will give you a call and we can all meet up and have a ride out

Ta Steve / tefflon

Re: West Wales ABR RALLY 2015 Campsite

Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 7:18 pm
by Steev68
tefflon wrote:Hi steev68

It's not what you ride it's the adventure you can do on the bike and you will fine lots of places to have an adventure
Darren gave me your number so will give you a call and we can all meet up and have a ride out

Ta Steve / tefflon
Thoroughly agree Steve, just need something a little taller, I felt like a bloody jockey at times! :laugh:
And looking forward to the next little adventure, I've already had my maps out! Haha

Catch you soon (thumbs)

Re: West Wales ABR RALLY 2015 Campsite

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 5:02 pm
by fozzy17
looks like a great time was had

Re: West Wales ABR RALLY 2015 Campsite

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 5:47 pm
by tefflon
Yes we all had a great time the weather could have been better but that did not stop us enjoying the gathering roll on next year .

Re: West Wales ABR RALLY 2015 Campsite

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 6:50 pm
by daryl
The rally was a great end to 10 days on the road. Northamptonshire to West Wales via Ullapool and home again for a total of 2086 miles.

Apparently I only managed to take two photos:

IMG_20150911_150811.jpg (61.62 KiB) Viewed 14865 times
IMG_20150913_002106.jpg (46.15 KiB) Viewed 14865 times
Can't wait for next year!

Re: West Wales ABR RALLY 2015 Campsite

Posted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 8:41 pm
by Steev68
Good job you had the "comfy" seat on eh Darryl? :laugh: (thumbs) Nice to meet you!