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Re: I know I’ll be shot down for this….

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 4:38 pm
by Richard Simpson Mark II
Because of my job, some of my work is actually taking photos and writing about stuff.

And I find that means that when i'm having fun, I don't want to stop and chronicle it.

When I moved in with my now wife, I think she was quite surprised by how few photos etc that I had.

I've got even fewer now...threw a load away the other day.

Re: I know I’ll be shot down for this….

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 5:19 pm
by Tonibe63
In the 10+ years that ABR has been in existence the World has changed enormously especially media, branding and merchandising.
In order to be successful ABR has to adapt to what the customer wants, that includes both the consumer and corporate customers which must be a real tightrope walk to get it right. Aslong as they satisfy the majority then they will continue in business.
Let's face it £20k adventure bikes on PCP deals is maybe not what all of us want but it is what big business is trying to sell and without them there wouldn't be the magazine or the rally.

Re: I know I’ll be shot down for this….

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 6:00 pm
by dave h
Post by dave h » Tue Jun 29, 2021 10:04 pm

I enjoyed this year,

looking at the price its getting too commercial and expensive now for me,


you will enjoy it,


Re: I know I’ll be shot down for this….

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 6:56 pm
by daveuprite
Maybe it's better to think of rallys / meet-ups as separate things to something like the ABR Festival. The ABR do is more like another Ally Pally or NEC Bike show just for ADV bikes, and outdoors.

All it takes to organise a small meet-up is a bunch of nobs on bikes, some booze, tents, wood and matches - and the ability to talk total crap for a few hours before bed - followed by more riding the next day. That's easy.

What isn't easy is to get hold of is a big venue, big displays from major manufacturers, test bikes, well-known biking celebrities, bars, food-tents, health and safety certificates and a huge pre-paid turn-out. That's a different kettle of fish. Full marks and nothing but admiration to those who organise all that stuff - must be a logistical nightmare.

I'll stick to a piss-up in a field. :D

Re: I know I’ll be shot down for this….

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 7:02 pm
by Godspeed
nobs on bikes :lol: :lol: :lol:

I’m in! 👍

Re: I know I’ll be shot down for this….

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 7:11 pm
by daveuprite
Godspeed wrote: Fri Jul 30, 2021 7:02 pm nobs on bikes :lol: :lol: :lol:

I’m in! 👍
You should come and meet us in Sort, Catalunya one year, Chris. We'll be there in 5 weeks on Sep 5th. A small bunch of complete dickheads, riding great Pyrennean trails all day and drinking/eating at night. Cheap, cheerful and refreshingly juvenile.

Re: I know I’ll be shot down for this….

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 8:02 pm
by garyboy
you guys take the biscuit ..
so, there you are, sat posing on your 10000 + shining new adventure bike, trying to decide on expensive soft paniers or even more expensive hard paniers, causing controversy by asking which tyre, which oil, where shall i cavort to next on the continent, does covid restrictions apply to me, o.. just look at my pics and videos of the fabulous places i been like, spending fortunes on the latest helmets and all-weather gear, .....

.... and when a spectacular event (i not been btw, just red the reviews) is put on for you ,, despite covid and travel restrictions, health and safety madness, etc etc etc .... wot do you do??/

MOAN .. fukkin moan ...

o ... i'd rather be in a wet damp field avoiding sheep shit, and listening to a few boring old farts telling tall tales which seem fantastic after a few beers ..

Too commercialised ... all that clean lovely food and beer, decent toilets, plenty of room ... yukkk .... o .. and all those world famous riders with world experience... pah, shit !!! ...AND having the audacity to be actually ON .. in this pandemic ... providing relief and enthusiasm .. bah ...humbug ... shit oi says ... bring back the days of wellies and denim jackets and leaky engines, and a freezing night laying on bare earth in a rat infested camp site .... yeah !!

Re: I know I’ll be shot down for this….

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 8:03 pm
by Magnusson
There are many good arguments here. The stars of adventure travelling and their draw on strangers do make the gathering less personal for the old timers. The raised prices make it dearer to attend. On the flip side bigger gatherings of more people draw more brands and put more pressure on the organisers to provide access to better camping spaces, foods, drinks and loos. In other words "better" experience. Judging by the bikes attending the price of admission/attending the meet itself is only very, very small part of the total costs.
The organisers of course are always trying to outdo previous meets. They seem to have done very good job of it this year. Compliments to them. Pulling stuff like this off is a huge challenge.
Personally I'm conflicted. I do like my comforts. I also like to be able to attend a meet without being punched in the face by commercialism. It was painful to see the YouTube video interviews where sponsored bikes centerstage nearly pushed the people out of the camera view. I don't like to be surrounded by large groups of strangers, they make me feel lonely, so it's unlikely I'll ever attend one of these meets. I still hope they will be successful in the future.

Re: I know I’ll be shot down for this….

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2021 8:10 pm
by Helicoptermanr22
I get it Chris,
Sadly its the way of the world with wanting to get noticed, however i do take my hat off to people who do what i can only dream of.
i didn’t make it this year as quite frankly i didn’t want to stick a cotton bud up my arse to prove summat.
I just disappeared and went off roading , i know the ABR festival is a very cleverly organised event for like minded paffoons with a love of getting muddy.
With all costs rising they have to pull in the media faces to take to a higher platform to justify a large event/ costs.
Its the way of the world and until a small local event comes along , its a great excuse to see other machines and their owners and to talk shite.

A big well done to the organisers ! As said it must have been sleepless night syndrome!

Re: I know I’ll be shot down for this….

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2021 5:52 am
by Seminole
Went to one a few years back, a field near bourbon in the water,great ride out but on the whole I’m anti social so apart from few beers with a bunch of Armstrong riders that was about it.
Different strokes innit I wouldn’t go to one of the Ragly doos too many people and looks a bit posh for me.