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Re: How do you wash your undies on a RTW

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 9:12 pm
by Locksmith
+1 for travel wash , gets rid of the clinkers and clag :P

Re: How do you wash your undies on a RTW

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 9:12 pm
by Harty
Edible undies! Wear, remove, eat ;-)

Re: How do you wash your undies on a RTW

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 9:29 pm
by bull
wash them in some water, then give them a good squeeze to get all the water out,

then, put it on over the windscreen of the bike, it will be dry in no time at around 80mph,

but, you might need some clothes pegs if your going washing socks :P

Re: How do you wash your undies on a RTW

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 9:32 pm
by Road2Manchester
And another thing........

what is this 'thing' about going rough..... If you spend every day sat on your ass on a plastic seat, you gonna get stinky, and I don;t get the 'its got to be rough tough and filthy or it doesn't count' lark.
The whole tripping thing can be done with a certain amount of decorum and self preseration that goes beyond staying upright and keeping safe.
At some point you will be stood at a street food stall about to eat some exotic snippet of dead thing whilst wondering if the bloke serving uses that hand to wipe his ass, and did he wash his hands. Meanwhile 2ft away, your lower parts department, there is a plethora of bugs, slugs and squirmy's hatching a plot to create an uncureable nut-rot just because you have had your grunties on for 14 days. Athletes Plums..... no thanks.
Stuff that, tale 3 pairs of lightweight fast drying comfy pants that can double as trunks and have one pair on, one wet/drying having been washed and the spare set stuffed away for a hot day on a nice beach. Or a nice be-ache on a hot day. As for the ladies. You pants are a special part of your day, so you can take 4 prs cos they only take up 2 square inches

PLUS pants cost about $3 so throw the month old bio-hazard ones away or just let them walk.

Its the world, not the galaxy. Be clean, be seen, behave.

Re: How do you wash your undies on a RTW

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 9:44 pm
by -Ralph-
Road2Manchester wrote:You pants are a special part of your day, so you can take 4 prs cos they only take up 2 square inches
You met my mother in law?


Tie her pants to your bike to dry out and you're gonna experience paragliding round the world.

Re: How do you wash your undies on a RTW

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 9:47 pm
by special one
-Ralph- wrote:
Road2Manchester wrote:You pants are a special part of your day, so you can take 4 prs cos they only take up 2 square inches
You met my mother in law?


Tie her pants to your bike to dry out and you're gonna experience paragliding round the world.
That proper made me laugh mate :)

Re: How do you wash your undies on a RTW

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 10:00 pm
by chrisinflight
(quote) Tie her pants to your bike to dry out and you're gonna experience paragliding round the world. (quote)

:laugh: :laugh:
Dont tell me her name is KateyCake

Re: How do you wash your undies on a RTW

Posted: Mon Dec 16, 2013 10:25 pm
by Dazzer
Its such a worry it will put most folk off doing a RTW

Re: How do you wash your undies on a RTW

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 6:58 am
by Willandkate
Dazzer wrote:Its such a worry it will put most folk off doing a RTW
It's more of a worry where that photo came from!

Re: How do you wash your undies on a RTW

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2013 8:59 am
by Elle
Road2Manchester wrote: what is this 'thing' about going rough..... If you spend every day sat on your ass on a plastic seat, you gonna get stinky, and I don;t get the 'its got to be rough tough and filthy or it doesn't count' lark.
I agree, why can't people wash their underwear? :sick:
Cotton is heavy when wet (and cold) & takes ages to dry. So use synthetics or silk.
Travel wash, a bar of soap or even shampoo will do - just rinse thoroughly.
Dry overnight or on the back of the bike during the day.

Also, for ladies - using a mini panty liner will keep a pair of knickers fresher for longer (refresh daily!). However, for a RTW trip, the space could be used for more knickers!