Post carpal tunnel surgery and riding pain..

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Post carpal tunnel surgery and riding pain..

Post by Tramp »

Hi guy this is more for folks over 55...who have had carpal tunnel release slice to palm...I had my right hand done end of Jan so 9 weeks post opp...had really bad compressed carpal tunnel..the finger no longer go numb or tingle even when driving hgv which was real bad...

Road bike today first time since opp and like 4 months ago I had real problems using front brake lever ...Still have this problem due to weak wrist..

Have pillar pain from surgery scare seeing consultant next week...every jolt on bike from road hurts the surgery point like he'll...tried doing strength exercise go as no strength and pain in hand..

So to question is this likely to get better with time or are my biking days over...not being able to do emergency stop is dangerous when riding..
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Re: Post carpal tunnel surgery and riding pain..

Post by Hugh »

Greetings my friend,

Of course your riding days aren't over but they might need slight modifying :D

I have had this problem with both hands for many years now, both have been operated on twice and still my left hand can lock up closed :evil:

I only wear trials gloves, no wrist watch nor tight fitting cuffs. I have handlebar muffs and heated grips, the muffs are best. Try to relax your grip on the controls and since it is your right hand maybe choose a lighter throttle return spring. A different brake lever or master cylinder might help. Handlebar alignment could be another item to look at.

Don't ride for too long or try not to venture over gnarly gravel roads at the beginning of your day. I don't do stop/start sections anymore but just try to ride straight through letting the Observer know why. I am still trail and trials riding but I just select which sections to ride or not!

Another possible source of information for you;

Best wishes and TTFN

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