Caffi Sosban,Llanwyrtyd Wells

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Re: Caffi Sosban,Llanwyrtyd Wells

Post by Grimern »

I have just spent a night in Llanwyrtyd Wells, stayed at a small b&b called Really Cool Accommodation.
This can be booked via
Nice small place run by a fella called Mike that used to ride triumph Bonnies back in the day.
Breakfast that was so big I could not eat it all.
They don't do evening meals but the hotel in the picture, Neuadd Arms Hotel, do good food at reasonable prices and are also a micro brewery.
Perfect location for getting out and seeing what rural Wales has.
I can recomend the Devils staircase

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Re: Caffi Sosban,Llanwyrtyd Wells

Post by threepot »

I payed a visit there yesterday on my Daytona. I'd had a new front tyre fitted,so I had a ride up to 'scrub' it in. I got there about 11:40,stood outside for a few minutes taking my helmet off,and rolled myself a smoke. Then one of the staff came out to tell me there was a private breakfast gathering until 12 for the family of the recent fire tragedy. But she said it was ok for me to come in. J felt quite 'humble' in their company. The family left after about 45 minutes,and I think I was the only one there? The owner of the cafe,Dave,a nice guy from London area? ,proceeded to tell me that a load of 'press' people turned up there the day after the fire,and it seems didn't show much sympathy,if any? They only seemed interested in 'gossip''or personal facts about the family. Knocking doors in the streets,asking people if they knew the family. Asking Dave if he knew of a way around to the house,avoiding the Police! Quite sickening don't you think?
Richard Simpson Mark II
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Re: Caffi Sosban,Llanwyrtyd Wells

Post by Richard Simpson Mark II »

Par for the course, mate, and the reason why I never even tried to get involved with that kind of 'journalism'.

When there's so much genuine wickedness in the world, much of it done by the wealthy and powerful, it's sickening how some journalists behave in their dealings with 'ordinary' people.
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