Jeremy Corbyn......

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Re: Jeremy Corbyn......

Post by Redmurty »

anagallis_arvensis wrote:
Redmurty wrote:
-Ralph- wrote:
Redmurty wrote:
anagallis_arvensis wrote:
Redmurty wrote:
anagallis_arvensis wrote:I teach groups of more than 30 in leaky porta cabins.
I was taught in a porta cabin did me no harm :whistle: surely learning is down to the quality of the teacher all things being equal which they have never been and never will be.

cheers Spud ;)
True but shitty environments make it harder as do larger class sizes. The biggest problem is finding good teachers to recruit. Many leave to teach in nicer private schools with smaller classes and recruiting anyone good is a massive struggle. 6 or 7 years ago we used to get 10 to 20 applicants for a job, now we are lucky to get 2.
Not a teacher or though I have done some lecturing, but I was talking to a teacher the other day who had given up on his tough school and moved to an "easier" posh school, I said I can see why you have done it but where's the job satisfaction, spoon feeding eager bright young things then going home, compared to dragging one young kid up from the shite background and pushing him ahead on to better things, change one kids life like that you change generations to come, a retired head master overheard our conversation and nodded sagely and he had taught in some real tuff schools in the midlands

cheers Spud ;)
The job satisfaction is in seeing kids who actually want to learn getting better exam results, and in being able to actually be a teacher, rather than a behavioural manager and social worker.

You can be the best teacher in the world, but in some tough schools everything else in those poor kids lives is working against you and so you just can't win. Parents who couldn't give a shit if they do their homework, let them play xbox until 3am so they are practically falling asleep in class, don't turn up to parents evenings, doing drugs, getting drunk, and either swearing in front of their kids, or exposing them to domestic violence, etc, etc.

There would be massive job satisfaction in a tough school if you could actually make a difference to the kids, but you can't because you are powerless, and in fact it's just demotivating and depressing.
Can't argue with your point of view as I came from those types of school and was in fact deemed along with another kid most likely to fail, if my present life style is deemed failing can I have some more please (thumbs)

But to save one is to save many (thumbs)

cheers Spud ;)
Both sides are true for different people. I love teaching the kids other teachers love the subject. We need both types in schools. Currently the lack of quality teachers is a problem in a few years when the current bulge in primary kids hit secondary we are screwed.
Yeah but just think of all those holidays :pinch: :whistle: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: bet you've never heard that before ;)

I truly hate the saying "those that can do, those that can't teach" my idiot of an ex boss and one of the reasons he is an ex if brains were cotton wool he would not of had enough for a tampax for a budgie (thumbs)

I pointed out to him one day that his kids were still at school and that if that saying was right he was happy for his kids to be taught by failures, it took him a while to work it out.

Good on you for turning out our future generations who will hopefully run the country well while I'm sitting in a nursing happily weeing into my pants :silly:

cheers Spud ;)
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Re: Jeremy Corbyn......

Post by JENKS »

Personally I am amazed that he is even talked about. He want to take the country back to the early seventies... That's piss poor productivity, high wages, Union controlled, which lead us to a 3 day week and a bankrupt country. That's what a vote for him would mean.

The currant bunch aren't perfect for sure, but they do want to put "Great" back into Britain. Yes it's going to be tough for all of us, high earners and low earners, at School, retired or working, but I don't want GB to end up like Greece. Which is exactly where Corbyn would lead us. FACT.

Could you imagine him representing GB in the Global community?? Scruffy little runt wouldn't be allowed in,

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Re: Jeremy Corbyn......

Post by Scott_rider »

Whether we like it or not things have moved on since the 1970s. Clearly, we all like not having power cuts and not having rubbish all over the streets and not having unreliable cars. We probably don't like globalism and we don't like not being able to shop economically at the corner shop and we don't like the constant work/life/money battle. But could we go back to the 1970's way of doing things as he seems to be suggesting? As theoretically correct as some of his ideas may be, I doubt they would work practically in this changed world and the UK would slip back and back on the world stage with the obvious recurpussions.
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Re: Jeremy Corbyn......

Post by AndyB »

There's a World of difference between the man being leader of a political party and the leader of the country. I think that long term it would be beneficial for him to bring some much needed reforms to the Labour Party but I don't think he'd win a General Election. That's why in my first reply to this topic I said I think he's unelectable.

Personally I'll be voting for Andy Burnham but that's with the short term view that he may win the next election rather than what he's going to do to move the party back to the left a bit and allow them to offer something different to the electorate.
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