Heading for the US?

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Travelling Sam
Posts: 446
Joined: Thu Jun 24, 2010 9:30 am

Heading for the US?

Post by Travelling Sam »

If you are planning to head State-side then you’ll be interested to know about David and Emy Woodburn. They have travelled around the world several times - exploring some of the most rugged and extreme places you can imagine! They now have a workshop where David specialises in working on older bikes – BMW Airheads in the main. They’ve set up their home with a small bunkhouse, and a camping area. And they’ve built a bike workshop for overlanders to use. All overlanders are welcome to stay on their way through. You can talk costs with them directly. Let’s put it this way, I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised! (thumbs)

David is hugely knowledgeable and this duo has a mountain of tales of the road to share. Birgit and I first met them in Rajasthan. They, along with their young daughter Mattea, were riding their R80GS and sidecar. A magic outfit, that was rather like a tardis! For sure it’s contents helped Mark Manley out that Christmas. They just happened to have the spares Mark needed and the kit to fix them. Weeks of ‘if-but and maybe’ waiting disappeared!

They also now run a small travel/work on bikes event at their place and in 2014 that’ll be happening the weekend of the 6/7/8th June. Where?

Barnsley Motor Werks (ask them about that name!) 400 Alabama Road, Ephesus GA 30170. USA There’s more info on the event and how to find them on the text shot below.

Overlanders. Don’t miss out on the chance to visit David and Emy. You’ll love ‘em. This clip will give you a taste… BBC TV program
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