ABR Community: Stories from the Adventure Bike Rider forum

East Anglian Bimblers

Want to share travel stories, seek advice from fellow adventurers or simply meet like-minded biker folk? Then join us! Log on to www.adventurebikerider.com and become part of the ABR community. Here’s a taste of ‘wassup’ online at the moment…

ABR group

Who? East Anglian Bimblers

Why? The EAB was born out of the ABR forum and currently has 24 members from the Anglia region. EAB is some of the best fun you can have with your clothes on; we don’t take ourselves seriously and enjoy the company of like minded people

Where? If you fancy a ride around the breathtaking countryside of Cambridgeshire, Norfolk, or Suffolk this could be the group for you

What? We’ve ridden the Peddars Way, which has some stunning scenery, and recently some of our members met with the Honda o­ff-road owners forum ‘XRV’ group to explore the Norfolk-Su­ffolk countryside and Thetford Forest, which was a great success. We also do road rides for those interested in discovering Anglia’s beautiful little villages

How? We have a wide variety of machines, from BMW GSs to Yamaha’s excellent Tenere, both the older versions and the newer 660s but all bikes are welcome

When? We meet up for regular ride outs most weekends and camping throughout the year. Keep an eye out for posts on the main ABR forum or contact member Mark1150 for info on our next ride

Photo: East Anglian Bimblers
Photo: East Anglian Bimblers
Photo: East Anglian Bimblers
Photo: East Anglian Bimblers
Photo: East Anglian Bimblers

Issue 1: the journey continues

Issue 1 of ABR is a sell-out success!

mapGreat news for ABR, but a bit sad for those who missed out. Good thing our forum members are such top sorts. Mr. Toad’s copy of ABR issue 1 has been doing the rounds by post since March and has so far been enjoyed by no fewer than nine readers, clocking up over 785 miles in the back of a Royal Mail van. From Mr. Toad’s in Doncaster it went to ABRs in… Stockport (50 miles) Northampton (95 miles) Cambridge (43 miles) Blackpool (171 miles) Peterborough (143 miles) Leeds (105 miles) Marlborough (174 miles) Swindon (6 miles) … Next on its whistle-stop UK tour are: Devon, Staffordshire, Norfolk, Hull and the dales… and the waiting list of ABRs wanting to have a lend just keeps on growing. Mr. Toad, we salute your selflessness, sir. Bravo!

Issue 1: The journey so far…

Ed’s debate

Panniers: useful or a pain in the arse?

my-bike-Triumph3My mate Jason mentioned to me the other night that for this year’s European tour he’ll be traveling light. I take it he meant doing what I did last year and fitting all my stuff in a top box and a bin liner on the pillion. The advantages of riding a ‘slim’ bike are obvious and were brought sharply into focus on our return to the UK when one of our party’s aluminium panniers took out a few wing mirrors while ­ filtering through a 20-mile jam on the M25. Overall I’m starting to think that Panniers are more of a pain than they are a gain when touring. Sure you can stash more stuff, securely, but the width restrictions are a trade off I don’t want to pay. So for this summer I’m thinking of whipping off the panniers that came on the Tiger and bringing back the bin liner…

What do you think?

Join the debate at: http://www.adventurebikerider.com/forum/21-accessories-/765-panniers-useful-or-a-pain-in-the-arse.html

Blog Spot

Blog-spotIt doesn’t rain on Ouarzazate, apparently after 10km the tarmac ended and we were faced with the option of going no further or taking one of the dirt tracks out to the dunes so, I, against the wishes of the wife, I decided ‘I can do this’ and headed o­ into the desert at a slow pace. We lasted about a mile before hitting soft sand and went straight over the handle bars with her coming after me. We got a bang on the shins but were otherwise ok; the bike didn’t su­ffer either, just twisted the handguard around a bit. I stood the bike up and looked around. I could see for at least 10 miles in every direction and could see no one. It suddenly dawned on me how alone you are in this place… What will become of our desert duo? Find out at www.adventurebikerider.com/easyblog.htm

Sign language

Certainly makes a change from ‘Not tonight dear, I have a headache…