All the action from the third annual ABR First to the Boil Rally, held in Kirkby Stephen, Cumbria
Pics courtesy of James Milly; Phil Gough; Paul Jennison; Steve Thomas; James Owens
On the boil….
The inaugural First to the Boil Rally was ABR’s first-ever official rally and took place 15-11 April 2011, attracting around 80 ABRs from across the country and from as far afield as Barcelona and Austria.
Held at Takoda Camping, Kirby Stephen, by Paul and Maria Holroyd, the purpose of the rally was for ABRs to meet up, talk and ride bikes, drink beer and compare the awesome might of their camping stoves with a ‘first to the boil’ contest.
As far as we’re aware, the latter never happened, but it didn’t stop everyone from having a fantastic time. Three years on and the rally’s as popular as ever.
Over 110 ABRs attended this year’s event despite the intermittent hailstorms, and Jesse Oddy’s now-famous Curry-Aid banquet raised an incredible £1,066 for orphaned children in Tamil Nadu, India.
If you missed out on the Boil Rally 2013, don’t despair.
ABR is holding rallies in the following locations…
■ ABR Midlands Rally, Warwickshire, 23-25 August 2013
■ ABR Ullapool Highland Rally 27-29 September 2013
To sign up for these rallies or to check out more future rally dates, see