Pipe dreams – we all have them. No matter how big or how small, how achievable or how out there they are, dreaming is what keeps our adventurous spirit alive. Dream riding destinations is a conversation which has caught my attention on the ABR forum today, which has been brimming with action, as usual, this week.
ABR forum member Maxriddy kicked off the thread by asking his fellow bikers this question: If you are a travel lover, then you must have a dream destination which inspires your riding. Do you have a dream destination or a dream to travel to a specific place?
Here’s some of the responses he received…
Brenhden: I’ve got lots of dream places, but my real dream is having the time to do it without having to rush back to work. There have only been a couple of trips where living out of a tent has become normal. That being said, I watched an old Top Gear episode last night, and they went from the Amazon to the Pacific over the Andes. The variety and beauty of the trip was brilliant, that would be awesome.
Qcnr: It is the journey, not the destination that matters (smiley faced emoji)…
VRSG60: Australia attracts me, but I know I shouldn’t. Probably better off in New Zealand.
Spike941: Slowly ticking them off my list while health and finances allow, but always looking for new ones. Currently dreaming of Chile and Argentina, and the Outer Hebrides. More chance of one rather the other at the moemnt, as the wife has got hold of the credit card for her grand garden design. Really, just how much can one spend on a 7m x 7m garden?
Herman: Anywhere I have not yet been , but top of the list is Argentina.
Africa John: When I started reading adventure travel books by Grahman Field, Bernard Smith and Elspeth Beard, I wanted to travel to Mongolia and the furthest bit of Russia. Then I watched the fella who walked the Himalayas (Levison Wood) and realised I’m probably not tough enough! Also, with a young family (kids of nine and 12), but being an old dad (53), with a retirement age of 67 (currently), I’ll probably be dead anyway before I get the time. I’ve done three tours of western Europe, have seen some fantastic scenery and met some brilliant bikers (mainly ABR’ers), a few of who have become friends. Everything else is UK mainland based, so Wales, Cumbria and Scotland. That’s what I can fit in between work and home life, and that’s what I have to suck the marrow bone of life out of. Still a lot of fun though!
Gbags: Patagonia looks amazing.
Chunkybutt: Too many at the mo… but I do fancy going east – Russia, Mongolia, Road of Bones.
Magnon: Just got back from India, where we hired an Enfield for a couple of days. Great country, but not really a place for bike travel. We did enjoy the experience though. This year’s bike trip is down to Dubrovnik via the ferry from Bari. The route back will take in Budapest and Vienna.
So, what’s your dream riding destination, or where is on the cards for you this year? Id love to know, post your destinations in the comments section below.